Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Help to Buy Bill 2023

2:08 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you for your question. Our housing reforms will help all Australians, not just some, with historic investments in social and affordable housing to support the most vulnerable in our community. We've increased rent assistance. We're boosting housing supply to ensure there are more homes to rent and to buy and that they are more affordable for everyday Australians. What have you got against affordability? Our Help to Buy scheme would help 40,000 Australians on low and middle incomes own a home sooner. But there are those in this place hell-bent on blocking these plans for their own political gain. Mr Dutton wants fewer Australians to own a house, and the Greens political party are teaming up with Mr Dutton to ensure fewer people own a house. What I would say is that working with Peter Dutton to stop meaningful reform isn't negotiating, holding the futures of Australians to ransom with the Liberals is not negotiating and denying more houses to be built is not negotiating. (Time expired)


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