Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Social Cohesion

2:12 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Thanks, Senator Ruston. I am, of course, not aware of what Senator Ruston has asked about. But if I have any further information, I will provide that to the chamber. What I do know and what I think all Australians know is that the terrorist attacks that were carried out by Hamas on October 7, including the murder of young Israelis peacefully attending a music festival, were absolutely abhorrent, and our government has repeatedly and forcefully condemned them.

This parliament unequivocally condemned them in a motion that we passed in October last year. The government also condemned anyone celebrating those attacks, including Mr Dadoun. I think that's how you pronounce his surname. The United Muslims of Australia has a long and successful history of helping many young Muslims in Sydney, providing a space for them to practice their faith and connect with community. The organisation is run by Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, who is the president of the Australian National Imams Council. He has worked constructively with security agencies and governments, including coalition governments, for many years, bringing Muslim Australians together in their local communities, helping build connections, and tackle division, prejudice and hate. Our government supports activities that do seek to bring young Muslim Australians together in their local communities to build connections and build social cohesion.


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