Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Questions without Notice


2:21 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

What I was saying was: Senator McKim, you and your party have spent days in this place ensuring that we could not even bring the legislation to a vote. And you know why you didn't want it to come to a vote? Because you were embarrassed. You are embarrassed. We went through all the shenanigans in this place, including what we saw the other day, because you wanted to avoid a vote, because you are embarrassed, because you know you were voting against 40,000 houses for low-and middle-income Australians. Now you ask a question about your demands and some attempt to try and tell people, 'Actually, we didn't vote with Mr Dutton and the coalition to ensure Labor couldn't deliver 40,000 houses to low-and middle-income Australians.'

You interject on me because you don't like the truth. The truth is: you have been working with them to prevent us implementing our policy, and now you come in here and you bleat about the fact that we haven't adopted your policies! I mean, really! The fact is: you're working with the coalition to stop houses being built. That is the truth. And you should be ashamed.


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