Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024


Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023; In Committee

10:49 am

Photo of Paul ScarrPaul Scarr (Queensland, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Engagement) Share this | Hansard source

Can I just pursue that point that you've made about intersectionality. If we have a look at the complaints that were received by the Australian Human Rights Commission in 2022-23, this is the classification by the Australian Human Rights Commission. The Australian Human Rights Commission identified 302 of those 2,562 complaints, approximately 12 per cent, as related to sexual harassment. Again, this is not my classification; this is the Australian Human Rights Commission's. In 2021-22, it was eight per cent. In fact, even if you take every different type of claim available under that legislation and add them together, less than a quarter, just 22 per cent, of all claims in 2022-23 were made under the Sex Discrimination Act. In 2021-22, it was 16 per cent. Could you confirm that approximately 80 per cent of claims, based on the Australian Human Rights Commission's own figures, aren't made under the Sex Discrimination Act at all, which covers more than sexual harassment, but are covered by this legislation. So, based on the last two years, approximately 80 per cent of the claims made by the Australian Human Rights Commission don't cover sexual harassment and don't cover claims under the Sex Discrimination Act and actually apply under other discrimination legislation.


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