Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024


Liberal Party of Australia

5:45 pm

Photo of Linda ReynoldsLinda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

It's always lovely to be able to come into this chamber and share great news with colleagues. This evening I rise to introduce three wonderful local Liberal federal candidates for the seats of Pearce, Hasluck and the brand new seat of Bullwinkel. Our three amazing candidates are from the communities. They understand their communities and they will be listening to their communities, not only working hard, when they're elected as part of the new government, to deal with cost-of-living pressures for their families but also fighting for the services and the supports their local communities need and for the issues that matter the most to their local communities.

The first candidate is Jan Norberger, the candidate for Pearce. Essentially, for those who don't know, Pearce is the City of Wanneroo, which I understand is the fastest-growing city in Australia. It is in the very north of Perth. Jan first moved to Australia in 1982, and he's been living in the Perth northern suburbs ever since along with his wife and two young children. Jan has a longstanding history and commitment to the service of our nation. He spent six years in the Royal Australian Air Force and reached the rank of corporal. He was awarded the Officer Commanding Commendation. Knowing Jan as I do, I know exactly why he received that award.

He has experience representing the people of his communities in the state parliament. In 2013 he was elected to represent his local community as a state member, where he not only talked about delivering for his community but secured critical funding for health services, sporting facilities and major infrastructure projects. His service as a state MP highlights his proven track record of delivering on the issues that matter the most to his community to make it the best place in Perth to live and to raise a family. He's also a proven leader. He's held various leadership roles, including building a local business as a respected provider of training in the health sector. Most importantly, he understands his community and is committed to fighting for issues for his local community.

The second wonderful new candidate we have is our candidate for the seat of Hasluck, which has changed significantly in the latest redistribution. Our candidate is the wonderful David Goode, a great friend of mine. He has the hugest heart of anybody I know. He's a man with strong family values. He has years of community service and an accomplished career, which makes him the ideal person to represent the growing communities in Ellenbrook and Midland. He's been a small-business owner for 20 years, with nearly—I think he'd hate me saying this—50 years of experience in banking and finance. He understands the central role that small businesses play in our nation's economy and also in our local communities. He's served his community as a very active justice of the peace for over 20 years. He served as a lord mayor in a very large city and he's been a local councillor for many years. He has also demonstrated just how much he can fight for his local community.

The final seat is the new seat of Bullwinkel, which I know and love the best of all of those communities because it's my home. It includes a large part of the Perth Hills. Our candidate there is Matt Moran, and he embodies the values of commitment and dedication to the community that I'm sure he will serve with after the next election. He has deep local roots. He was born in Kalamunda and raised in Boya, with family history in Mundaring and Toodyay. He understands the local issues and the very varied communities that are now in the seat of Bullwinkel. He's got an amazing experience of service in the Army. He's a Walkley Award winning journalist. He's had active military service in East Timor and Afghanistan, which has certainly shaped his commitment to duty, to our nation and also to local communities.

Matt is absolutely committed to addressing the many, many local issues that we have right across the electorate, including, as late as yesterday, working with me to strongly oppose the North Stoneville development, which yesterday was approved by the federal Minister for the Environment and Water. What a complete disgrace. We will keep fighting— (Time expired)

Senate adjourned at 17:50


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