Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024


Selection of Bills Committee; Report

11:16 am

Photo of Anne UrquhartAnne Urquhart (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I present the 11th report of 2024 of the Selection of Bills Committee, and I seek leave to have the report incorporated in Hansard.

Leave granted.

The report read as follows—


REPORT NO. 11 OF 2024

19 September 2024


Senator Anne Urquhart (Government Whip, Chair)

Senator Wendy Askew (Opposition Whip)

Senator Ross Cadell (The Nationals Whip)

Senator Pauline Hanson (Pauline Hanson's One Nation Whip)

Senator Jacqui Lambie (Jacqui Lambie Network Whip)

Senator Nick McKim (Australian Greens Whip)

Senator Ralph Babet

Senator the Hon. Anthony Chisholm

Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher

Senator Maria Kovacic

Senator Matt O'Sullivan

Senator Fatima Payman

Senator David Pocock

Senator Gerard Rennick

Senator Lidia Thorpe

Senator Tammy Tyrrell

Senator David Van

Secretary: Tim Bryant 02 6277 3020

REPORT NO. 11 OF 2024

1. The committee met in private session on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 7.15 pm.

2. The committee recommends that—

(a) the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee but was unable to reach agreement on a reporting date (see appendix 1 for a statement of reasons for referral);

(b) the provisions of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee but was unable to reach agreement on a reporting date (see appendix 2 for a statement of reasons for referral);

(c) the provisions of the Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 12 December 2024 (see appendix 3 for a statement of reasons for referral);

(d) the provisions of the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 14 November 2024 (see appendix 4 for a statement of reasons for referral);

(e) the provisions of the Treasury Laws Amendment (2024 Tax and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Economics Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 24 October 2024 (see appendix 5 for a statement of reasons for referral);

(f) the provisions of the Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 10 October 2024 (see appendix 6 for a statement of reasons for referral); and

(g) the provisions of the Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024 be referred immediately to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 30 October 2024 (see appendix 7 for a statement of reasons for referral).

3. The committee recommends that the following bill not be referred to committees:

    4. The committee deferred consideration of the following bills to its next meeting:

        •Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Integrity and Reducing Building Costs) Bill 2024 (No. 2)

                            5. The committee considered the following bills but was unable to reach agreement:

                              (Anne Urquhart)


                              19 September 2024

                              Appendix 1

                              SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                              Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                              Name of bill:

                              Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024

                              Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                              This bill brings new industries into the AML/CTF regime for the first time and an inquiry allows these entities to have their say. A November report date is important to allow for early passage of the bill—to stop money launderers and terrorists from continuing to do their work, and to allow businesses time to get ready for the new rules the bill will introduce.

                              Possible submissions or evidence from:

                              AUSTRAC; AGD; real estate, accountancy and law peak bodies

                              Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                              Legal and Constitutional Affairs

                              Possible hearing date(s):

                              To be determined by the committee

                              Possible reporting date:

                              13 November.


                              Senator Anne Urquhart

                              SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                              Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                              Name of Bill:

                              Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024

                              Reasons for referra1/principal issues for consideration:

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Attorney General Department

                                  Law Council of Australia

                                  Australian Lawyers Alliance

                                  Bar Association


                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  Friday 25 October, Thursday 31 October

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  November 2024


                                  Nick McKim

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                  To allow the Committee time to thoroughly scrutinize this legislation.

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Businesses, interested parties and other stakeholders

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  October 2024 to January 2025

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  3 February 2025


                                  Wendy Askew

                                  Appendix 2

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                  Appropriate scrutiny of legislation with a high degree of public interest.

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Department of Infrastructure

                                  Australian Communications and Media Authority Civil Society

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Environment and Communications

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  11 October 2024

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  11 November 2024


                                  Anne Urquhart

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation)

                                  Reasons for referra1/principal issues for consideration:

                                  Consider details

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Experts, stakeholders

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Environment & Communications

                                  Possible hearing date(s):


                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  25 November 2024


                                  Nick McKim

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                  To allow the Committee time to thoroughly scrutinize this legislation.

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Businesses, interested parties and other stakeholders

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Environment and Communications Legislation Committee

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  October 2024 to January 2025

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  3 February 2025


                                  Wendy Askew

                                  Appendix 3

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Crimes Legislation Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                  This bill has many interested stakeholders who have expressed an interest in an inquiry, and the government is in favour of open debate.

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  AGD, Law Council, faith groups, Equality Australia

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Legal and Constitutional Affairs

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  To be determined by the committee

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  12 December


                                  Senator Anne Urquhart

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Crimes Legislation Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                  To allow the Committee time to receive evidence and scrutinize this legislation.

                                  Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                  Businesses, interested parties and other stakeholders

                                  Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                  Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

                                  Possible hearing date(s):

                                  October 2024

                                  Possible reporting date:

                                  12 December 2024


                                  Wendy Askew

                                  Appendix 4

                                  SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                  Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                  Name of bill:

                                  Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

                                  Reasons for referra1/principal issues for consideration:

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          Attorney General Department


                                          Digital Rights Watch

                                          Australian Privacy Foundation

                                          Law Council of Australia

                                          Australian Lawyers Alliance

                                          Electronic Frontiers Australia

                                          Human Rights Law Centre

                                          Communications Alliance

                                          Reset Australia

                                          Tech Council of Australia

                                          Australian Communications Consumer Action Network

                                          Centre for Responsible Technology (Aus. Institute branch)

                                          Tech Policy Design Centre

                                          Digital Industry Group Inc. (DIGI)


                                          Australian Digital Alliance


                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          Friday 25 October, Thursday 31 October

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          14 November 2024


                                          Nick McKim

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                          To allow the Committee time to receive evidence and scrutinize this legislation.

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          Interested parties and other stakeholders

                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          October 2024

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          14 November 2024


                                          Wendy Askew

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                          There is extensive interest in the government's response to the Privacy Act review, and an inquiry allows for examination of some of the new offences contained in the bill.

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          AGD, Law Council, privacy advocates, tech companies, peak bodies such as ACIC and COSBOA

                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Legal and Constitutional Affairs

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          To be determined by the committee

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          l4 November


                                          Anne Urquhart

                                          Appendix 5

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Treasury Laws Amendment (2024 Tax and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                          To allow the Committee time to receive evidence and scrutinize this legislation.

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          Interested parties and other stakeholders

                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Economics Legislation Committee

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          October 2024

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          24 October 2024


                                          Wendy Askew

                                          Appendix 6

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                          To allow the Committee time to receive evidence and scrutinize this legislation.

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          Interested parties and other stakeholders

                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Education and Employment Legislation Committee

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          October 2024

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          10 October 2024


                                          Wendy Askew

                                          Appendix 7

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

                                          To allow the Committee time to receive evidence and scrutinize this legislation.

                                          Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                          Interested parties and other stakeholders

                                          Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                          Education and Employment Legislation Committee

                                          Possible hearing date(s):

                                          October 2024

                                          Possible reporting date:

                                          30 October 2024


                                          Wendy Askew

                                          SELECTION OF BILLS COMMITTEE

                                          Proposal to refer a bill to a committee

                                          Name of bill:

                                          Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024

                                          Reasons for referra l /prin ci pal issues for consideration:


                                              Possible submissions or evidence from:

                                                            Committee to which bill is to be referred:

                                                            Education and Employment Committee

                                                            Possible hearing date(s):

                                                            Any day during the week of the 14th and/ or 21st of October

                                                            Possible reporting date:

                                                            Monday 11th of November

                                                            I move:

                                                            That the report be adopted.


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