Senate debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024


Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023; In Committee

12:47 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I move amendment (1) on sheet 2566:

(1) Page 2 (after line 12), after clause 3, insert:

4 Review of operation of amendments

(1) The Minister must cause an independent review to be undertaken of the operation of the amendments made by this Act.

(2) The review must commence no later than 2 years after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

(3) The persons who conduct the review must give the Minister a written report of the review within 6 months of the commencement of the review.

(4) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be tabled in each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is given to the Minister.

Minister, throughout the committee inquiry process concerns were raised by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Senator Scarr has canvassed many of them in this debate. But it's not just them. There are many others with unintended consequences that could flow from this bill. Many of those were highlighted very eloquently by Senator Scarr in his dissenting report.

The bill proposes a significant change. I note that it is welcomed by many, but it is not in line with what Kate Jenkins and the Australian Human Rights Commission recommended around a hard-cost neutrality model. The impacts of these changes deserve proper consideration. Will the government support an independent review of the operation of amendments in this bill?


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