Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Senators

Youth Voice in Parliament

1:47 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

It's my privilege this year to again participate in the Raise Our Voice campaign and to read a speech to the Senate written by a young person in the ACT.

This year's speech comes from Emily: 'Here is how I envision the world in a decade from now. In 10 years I'll be 26. I hope to own a home that is part of a suburb running on clean energy. I hope to live in a community where sustainability is a priority and where our shared commitment to the environment fuels both innovation and harmony. I hope to live in a community that is safe, vibrant and welcomes diversity. In this community, justice and peace will not just be ideals but the foundation upon which we build our children's futures. Additionally, I hope for an education system that excites young minds and is accessible to all, regardless of their circumstances. The classrooms would be filled with creativity, where every child feels empowered to explore their passions and chase their dreams. This vision will not be possible if small steps are taken. Don't take your responsibility lightly. I urge you to act boldly and to value the future above all else—to build more homes, fund more education programs, create safe environments for immigrants and stop suffocating our only planet with pollution. In a decade I hope to be proud to participate in Australian democracy.'

Thank you very much, Emily, and to the many others who sent in speeches.


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