Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Questions without Notice

Middle East

2:30 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Australia is seeking to work with the international community towards long-term peace. We want a pathway, we want diplomatic solutions and we want de-escalation across the region. The Australian government unequivocally condemns Hezbollah's continued attacks on Israel—we recognise Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation which has continued to attack Israel—just as we also condemn Iran's direct attacks on Israel. These are dangerous escalations. The international community is clear: this destructive cycle must stop.

Unfortunately, there are some in Australia who seek to misrepresent the government's position and the position of other parties. I would remind the chamber that Australia joined the United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan and others in a joint statement calling for a ceasefire and a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes for safety. Days later, G7 leaders reaffirmed their call for de-escalation. (Time expired)


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