Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Questions without Notice

Middle East

2:56 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Sharma. I'll take the opportunity to acknowledge the contributions last night from both you and Senator O'Neill. Both of them were very moving, I thought.

In relation to the progress towards a Palestinian state, you with your knowledge of the region would surely understand that there is no likelihood of long-term peace and security for Israel unless the international community delivers, ultimately, on the promise that was made when it established the State of Israel, which was that there would be two states—the State of Israel and a state for the Palestinian people. You would also understand that this is something the international community has been seized of. I have made it clear that we see no role for terrorists, such as Hamas, in the governance of a future Palestinian state. Unlike some in this parliament, I actually do believe that a Palestinian state is necessary as a matter of justice and for the delivery of what the international community has promised but also for the security of the State of Israel. You were an advocate, for example, of the Abraham Accords. You are an advocate for Saudi organisations. Saudi Arabia has made clear that, unless this issue is dealt with, it is not in a position to normalise.

If we can avoid for just a moment the divisive domestic politics, the reality is we have to work towards a two-state solution because that is the only pathway to peace. We have a conflict where we have seen not only the horrific attacks on 7 October but, in the aftermath in the response, over 11,000 children killed. Let's just pause to think about what that means. (Time expired)


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