Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Questions without Notice

First Nations Australians

3:05 pm

Photo of Malarndirri McCarthyMalarndirri McCarthy (NT, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

The role responds to longstanding calls from First Nations stakeholders for stronger accountability for the outcomes experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people—as recently indicated in the Productivity Commission's review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. Safe and Supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership group members, along with other First Nations reps, have specifically called for a national commissioner. In particular, SNAICC, the National Voice for our Children, have called the announcement a game changer. The CEO, Catherine Liddle, said:

The National Commissioner will be the champion, the voice and facilitator for our children, young people and families, and who will hold governments to account.

Catherine Liddle goes on to say, 'They will help turn the tide.' I want to thank SNAICC for working with the government on the development of this commission, and I look forward to continuing our productive relationships.


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