Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Matters of Public Importance


6:02 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I think the back end of the chamber needs more than a bit of order; we need some common sense in the back end of the chamber, because the Greens political party are a clear and present danger to the Australian economy. They are not just a clear and present danger to the Australian economy; they are a clear and present danger to the social supports that are in Australia at the moment. We have the Greens in their housing policies talking about a rent freeze. A rent freeze is something that would come from a first-year social studies student, someone who doesn't understand the basics of economics. But then again I repeat myself because we have the Greens political party.

The Greens political party has Senator Faruqi, who bulldozed 20 homes that koalas were living in in order to build a townhouse. So we have a property developer in Senator Faruqi. Then we have the Greens members of parliament in Queensland, who go around their electorates talking about the importance of housing and how important it is for people to have a home. But, if anyone ever proposes building a home in Queensland, the first person to oppose the building of that home will be the local Green MP, because the Greens political party are a party of hypocrites. I'll get to their antisemitism and their racism later tonight, but they are a party of hypocrites when it comes to housing. These are the people who believe that the great Australian dream is to be homeless on the street, living in a cardboard box.

That is the great Australian dream—living in a cardboard box—whereas we in the coalition believe the great Australian dream is owning your own home. We in the coalition believe that you should be able to use your super—because it is your super—in order to build or buy your own home. But, no, that is not what the Greens believe. They want you to live in the gutter. They want you to live in the cardboard boxes. They weaponise housing, because they take the politics of envy to the darkest heart of their soul.

The Greens, that antisemitic, racist party—that's what they specialise in. They specialise in division in this country. They specialise in going to protests. Let us hear a Greens politician condemn the murders in Israel. Well, we won't hear that. Let a Greens politician talk about the great Australian dream. We won't hear that from them either.

Honourable senators interjecting—


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