Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024


Services Australia, National Housing Accord, Attorney-General's Department, McPhillamys Gold Project, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Renewable Energy, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Ilpeye Ilpeye Estate; Order for the Production of Documents

7:08 pm

Photo of Maria KovacicMaria Kovacic (NSW, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That the Senate take note of the return to order for the order for the production of documents No. 538.

In doing so, I note the significant lengths that the Senate had to go to in order to have these documents tabled. What we uncovered at the last round of Senate estimates in relation to a $600,000 ministerial speechwriter employed by the department for the use of the minister was extraordinary. So far we are no nearer to understanding why there was such a need. Minister Shorten does have a whole team of ministerial advisers in his office to attend to his needs as minister, and yet he and his department saw fit to hire a personal speechwriter at a cost of over $600,000 to the Australian taxpayer while everyday Australians are struggling in a cost-of-living crisis. We rightly asked the question as to why. Then, when the Senate ordered the minister to produce these documents, we were given a number of excuses, saying that it was all going to be too hard. Well, I'm glad that the Senate reiterated its order and I thank the Senate for doing so. I am glad that these documents have now been tabled, because transparency is important. We have heard many times from this government about how they want to be transparent. It was part of their pitch at the election. We have seen a lot of obstruction at every turn, anything but transparency. So this chamber has an important role to play in our democracy. It is our job to scrutinise. It is our job to inquire and to hold this government to account.

Question agreed to.


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