Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Questions without Notice


2:06 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Green for the question and for the interest and energy that she puts into the Future Made in Australia agenda. I heard while Senator Green was asking her question the snipes from the 'no-alition', which is the combination of the opposition and their friends the Greens. We see them there griping away. I think most people outside of this chamber would think, 'On what grounds could anybody in any parliament vote against a future made in Australia?' We know, as Senator Watt said yesterday, that those opposite vote against a future. They would like to go back to the past; we know that. They don't like the future. They're scared of the future. But a future made in Australia, about jobs, about opportunity, about seizing our natural strength, about increasing manufacturing opportunities and our sovereign capability after the COVID-19 pandemic—who on earth could really stand and vote against a bill like that? But here we have it. Here is the Senate for you all to witness. We have those opposite voting again against housing, voting against a future made in Australia, voting against a renewable energy transition. Any major piece of economic transformation in this country the opposition opposes. If they could find their little alliance with the Greens and strengthen that—we know it makes Senator Duniam uncomfortable. We know it does, Senator Duniam. It's like forests and—oh! I know, Tasmania. We don't really like to be in bed with the Greens, but here we go. Come to Canberra and all we is those opposite, the 'no-alition', working together to block a future made in Australia. (Time expired)


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