Senate debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024


Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2024, Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023; Second Reading

1:50 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

They were withdrawn. As it's the desire of the chamber, I will put the question that the amendments on sheet 2518 and sheet 2519 be agreed to.

Senator Thorpe's circulated amendments—

SHEET 2518

(1) Clause 6, page 13 (line 9), omit "enterprise; and", substitute "enterprise.".

(2) Clause 6, page 13 (lines 10 and 11), omit paragraphs (c) and (d).


SHEET 2519

(1) Page 92 (after line 17), after Division 1, insert:

Division 2A — Register

99A Register of Nuclear Power Safety

(1) The Regulator must establish and maintain a Register of Nuclear Power Safety setting out details in relation to the following matters:

(a) designated zones (if any) prescribed by regulations made for the purpose of paragraph 10(2)(c);

(b) nuclear safety incidents reported under subsection 21(1);

(c) licence applications made under section 28;

(d) decisions by the Regulator to issue, or refuse to issue, a licence under subsection 31(1);

(e) if a licence is issued under subsection 31(1):

(i) the conditions of the licence under subsection 32(1); and

(ii) variations (if any) to the conditions of the licence under subsection 34(1); and

(iii) a decision (if any) to suspend the licence under subsection 35(1) or (3); and

(iv) a decision (if any) to cancel the licence under subsection 35(1);

(f) prohibition notices issued by the Regulator under subsection 78(2);

(g) convictions for an offence against a provision of this Act;

(h) directions given by the Minister to the Regulator under subsection 105(1);

(i) any other information prescribed by the regulations.

(2) The Register must be kept by electronic means.

(3) The Register must be published on a website maintained by the Department.

(4) The regulations must make provision for, or in relation to:

(a) the details to be set out on the Register in relation to the matters referred to in subsection (1); and

(b) the correction of information that is included in the Register, including how a person may seek the correction of information that is about the person; and

(c) arrangements for notifying the public about new entries to the Register; and

(d) any other matters relating to the administration or operation of the Register.

(5) The Minister may exempt certain information from inclusion in the Register if the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the interests of national security and to deal with an emergency.


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