Senate debates
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Senator Chapman to move on the next day of sitting:
- That the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services be authorised to hold public meetings during the sittings of the Senate on the following days:
- (a)
- on Thursday, 30 November 2006, from 5.30 pm, to take evidence for the committee’s continuing oversight of the operations of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; and
- (b)
- on Friday, 1 December 2006, from 9 am, to take evidence for the committee’s inquiry into the exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Bill 2006.
Senator Heffernan to move on the next day of sitting:
- That the time for the presentation of reports of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee be extended as follows:
- (a)
- water policy initiatives—to 5 December 2006; and
- (b)
- Australia’s future oil supply—to 7 December 2006.
Senator Murray to move on the next day of sitting:
- That, in view of:
- (a)
- the instances of developers being identified in investigations into corrupt influence in local government, and other levels of government;
- (b)
- public and media perceptions of improper conduct and influence by developers; and
- (c)
- calls for donations, loans, gifts and favours from developers to be prohibited,
the Senate calls on the Prime Minister (Mr Howard) to put this matter before the Council of Australian Governments with a view to designing amendments to all federal, state and territory electoral laws by 1 July 2007 prohibiting donations, loans, or gifts by developers, either directly or indirectly, to candidates or political parties at any level of government.
Senator Allison to move on the next day of sitting:
- That the Senate—
- (a)
- notes that recent research of Drs Raupach and Fraser from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Marine and Atmospheric Research group found that:
- (i)
- 7.9 billion tonnes of carbon were emitted into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide in 2005 and the rate of increase is accelerating,
- (ii)
- between 2000 and 2005, carbon dioxide emissions rose by more than 2.5 per cent a year,
- (iii)
- in 1990 emissions were less than 1 per cent a year, and
- (iv)
- on the current path it will be difficult to rein in carbon emissions enough to stabilise the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration at 450 parts per million; and
- (b)
- calls on the Federal Government to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and:
- (i)
- ratify the Kyoto Protocol, and
- (ii)
- introduce a carbon price signal.
Senator Robert Ray to move on the next day of sitting:
- That the Senate—
- (a)
- notes:
- (i)
- the further statement by the Minister for Justice and Customs (Senator Ellison) on 27 November 2006 in response to Senator Ray’s question without notice on 7 November 2006, asking the Minister when he first became aware of a potential breach of 4QA of the Customs regulations in regard to the importation of goods from Iraq without the written permission of the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Downer) or his delegate,
- (ii)
- that the Minister is hiding behind a current investigation into the matter by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to avoid answering a process question that goes to how long he has known that goods imported into Australia from Iraq in 2000 may not have complied with the Australian Customs Service approval procedures established to meet Australia’s obligations to enforce United Nations (UN) sanctions against Iraq,
- (iii)
- that the Minister’s position is bogus because, as AFP Commissioner Keelty informed the estimates hearing of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on 31 October 2006 that no government minister is under investigation in regard to the matter, and
- (iv)
- that this is yet another attempt by the Government to conceal its inaction and incompetence in failing to ensure that Australian companies trading with Iraq fully complied with the requirements of the UN’s Oil-for-Food Programme; and
- (b)
- calls on the Minister for Justice and Customs to state clearly the date he first became aware that Customs regulations may have been breached in regard to the import of goods from Iraq in 2000, between when he was appointed as the Minister for Justice and Customs on 30 January 2001 and the referral of the matter to the AFP from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through him on 23 February 2006.
Senator Ellison to move on the next day of sitting:
- That the following bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to the investigation of criminal activity and the protection of witnesses, and for related purposes. Crimes Legislation Amendment (National Investigative Powers and Witness Protection) Bill 2006.
Senator Bartlett to move, contingent on the Copyright Amendment Bill 2006 being read a second time:
- That it be an instruction to the committee of the whole that:
- (a)
- the committee divide the Copyright Amendment Bill 2006 to incorporate Schedule 12 in a separate bill; and
- (b)
- the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.