Senate debates
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Senator Siewert to move on the next day of sitting:
That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, any briefing packages produced by the former Department of the Environment and Heritage for the Minister’s consideration of the Hope Downs Iron Ore Project proposed by Hope Downs Management Services Pty Ltd.
Senator Allison to move on the next day of sitting:
The Leader of the Australian Democrats (Senator Allison): To move on the next day of sitting—
That the Senate:
- (a)
- notes the growing international concern regarding nuclear weapons proliferation, as shown by the:
- (i)
- decision by the advisory board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, on 17 January 2007, to move the hands of the ‘Doomsday Clock’ from 7 minutes to midnight to 5 minutes to midnight,
- (ii)
- statement by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Nobel Peace prize winner Mohammed ElBaradei, on 9 January 2007, stressing that ‘In addition to non-proliferation, it is also important to make progress on the second leg of the NPT – namely, the commitment by the nuclear weapon States to proceed in good faith towards complete nuclear disarmament’,
- (iii)
- statements published in the Wall Street Journal, of 4 January 2007, by Henry A Kissinger, George P Schultz, William J Perry and Senator Sam Nunn, emphasising the urgency of agreed practical steps to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons, and
- (iv)
- statements by Kofi Annan, on 28 November 2006, and the Rome Summit of Peace Nobels, on 19 November 2006, emphasising the urgency of eliminating nuclear weapons; and
- (b)
- calls on the Government to:
- (i)
- review all existing uranium contracts with a view to ensuring that atoms of Australian uranium will never facilitate, in any way, nuclear weapons in any country,
- (ii)
- give an assurance that uranium will never be exported to any state that is not a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signatory, or that has an extensive nuclear weapons program in which civil and military uranium are enriched or otherwise processed in the same facilities,
- (iii)
- make representations to the United States of America (US), urging it to place greater importance not only on non-proliferation and counter-proliferation efforts, but also on its Article VI NPT obligation to achieve the total elimination of its nuclear arsenal,
- (iv)
- press the US and China, in particular, to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and
- (v)
- continue its co-sponsorship of the resolution ‘Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons’, and support all other nuclear disarmament initiatives on the floor of the First Committee and General Assembly including the New Agenda resolution ‘Reducing Nuclear Danger’ and the annual Non-Aligned Movement resolution.
Senator Nettle to move on the next day of sitting:
That the Senate:
- (a)
- notes the failure of the Government to ensure that Mr David Hicks will receive a fair trial after he has been held in detention for 1 908 days; and
- (b)
- calls on the Government to ensure Mr Hicks receives a fair trial.
Senator Nettle to move on the next day of sitting:
That the Senate:
- (a)
- notes:
- (i)
- that Australia’s coal exports will cause as much greenhouse gas emissions as are produced in Australia each year, and
- (ii)
- that coal from the proposed Anvil Hill coal mine in New South Wales will cause more greenhouse gas emissions than the 4 million vehicles on New South Wales roads; and
- (b)
- calls on the Government not to approve the development of the Anvil Hill coal mine.
Senator Stott Despoja to move on the next day of sitting:
That the Senate calls on the Government to release publicly the full KPMG report and privacy impact assessment into the Government’s proposed access card.