Senate debates
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:
[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number]
Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2006-2007—Determination to reduce appropriation upon request—No. 4 of 2007-2008 [F2008L00742]*.
Census and Statistics Act—Statement No. 1 of 2008—Lists of Agricultural Farm Businesses for the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Civil Aviation Act—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—
Airworthiness Directives—Part—
AD/BEECH 23/38—Control Column Bearing Assemblies [F2008L00749]*.
AD/BEECH 33/1—Vertical Stabiliser Trailing Edge Skin [F2008L00748]*.
AD/BEECH 33/15 Amdt 1—Second Row Seats [F2008L00747]*.
AD/BEECH 33/21 Amdt 1—Hatshelf Soundproofing Blanket [F2008L00746]*.
AD/BEECH 33/26—Front Seat Restraint Installation [F2008L00745]*.
AD/BEECH 200/31 Amdt 1—Elevator Control Horn Attachment [F2008L00753]*.
107—AD/FSM/31—Precision Airmotive Fuel Injection Servo Plugs [F2008L00795]*.
Instrument No. CASA EX20/08—Exemption – from Airworthiness Directive to permit repositioning [F2008L00817]*.
Corporations Act—Accounting Standard AASB 2008-1—Amendments to Australian Accounting Standard – Share-based Payments: Vesting Conditions and Cancellations [F2008L00714]*.
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act—Explanatory statement and Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (Reporting Standard) Determinations Nos—
37 of 2008—Reporting standard ARS 320.9 Intra-Group Receivables and Payables [F2008L00462].
39 of 2008—Reporting standard ARS 322.0 Statement of Financial Position (Consolidated) [F2008L00467].
41 of 2008—Reporting standard ARS 325.0 International Operations [F2008L00473].
48 of 2008—Reporting standard ARS 332.0 Statement of Economic Activity [F2008L00513].
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act—Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 97 – 2008 [F2008L00708]*.
Private Health Insurance (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act—Private Health Insurance (Transition) Amendment Rules 2008 [F2008L00711]*.
Remuneration Tribunal Act—Determination 2008/03: Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office [F2008L00794]*.
Veterans’ Entitlements Act—Veterans’ Entitlements Income (Exempt Lump Sum – Exceptional Circumstances Exit Grant) Determination No. R9 of 2008 [F2008L00670]*.
* Explanatory statement tabled with legislative instrument.
The following government documents were tabled:
Australia Business Arts Foundation Ltd—Financial statements for 2006-07.
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997Live-stock mortalities during exports by sea—Report for the period 1 July to 31 December 2007.
General Practice Education and Training Limited—Report for 2006-07.
Migration Act 1958Section 486O—Assessment of appropriateness of detention arrangements—Personal identifiers 347/08 to 365/08—Government response to reports by the Commonwealth Ombudsman, dated 13 March 2008 [Replacement for document previously tabled on 12 March 2008].
Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002Report pursuant to section 47B, dated December 2007.
Schools Assistance (Learning Together—Achievement Through Choice and Opportunity) Act 2004Report on financial assistance granted to each state in respect of 2006.
Surveillance Devices Act 2004Commonwealth Ombudsman’s report on inspections of surveillance device records for the period 1 July to 31 December 2007—Australian Crime Commission and Australian Federal Police.
War Crimes Act 1945Report for 2006-07 on the operation of the Act.