Senate debates
Thursday, 16 October 2008
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:
[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number]
Aged Care Act—Aged Care (Conditions of Allocation – Extended Aged Care at Home – Dementia) Determination 2008 (No. 1) [F2008L03765]*.
Civil Aviation Act—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—Airworthiness Directives—Part 105—
AD/BD-700/1—Elevator PCU Attachment Bolts [F2008L03774]*.
AD/BELL 206/49—Hydraulic Servo Actuator Servo Valve Drive Locknut – Inspection [F2008L03662]*.
AD/BELL 206/52—Heater Fuel Line P/N 206-070-231-1 – Inspection [F2008L03664]*.
AD/BELL 206/54—Tail Rotor Gearbox Assembly – Inspection [F2008L03665]*.
AD/BELL 206/56 Amdt 1—Starter Generator Retaining Clamp T Bolt – Inspection [F2008L03666]*.
AD/BELL 206/58—Full Cell Cavity and Vent Line Modification [F2008L03667]*.
AD/BELL 206/59—Oil Pressure Tube Assemblies – Inspection and Replacement [F2008L03669]*.
AD/BELL 206/60 Amdt 1—Flight Control System Bolts – Inspection and Replacement [F2008L03670]*.
AD/BELL 206/67—Tail Rotor Drive – Inspection of Clamp Type Bearing Hangars [F2008L03671]*.
AD/BELL 206/70 Amdt 2—Hydraulic Servo Actuator Support Assembly – Inspection [F2008L03672]*.
AD/BELL 206/71—Main Rotor Split Cone Set – Inspection [F2008L03673]*.
AD/BELL 206/78—Freewheeling Outer Race Shaft – Inspection [F2008L03674]*.
AD/BELL 206/88—Battery Relay Diode Assembly P/N 30-037-13 – Replacement [F2008L03675]*.
AD/BELL 206/96—Fuel Supply Tube Assembly [F2008L03676]*.
AD/BELL 206/97 Amdt 2—Quick Disconnect Dual Controls [F2008L03677]*.
AD/BELL 206/105 Amdt 1—Airframe Fuel Filter Assembly [F2008L03678]*.
AD/BELL 206/106—Float Inflation Valve [F2008L03679]*.
AD/BELL 206/110—Tail Rotor Pitch Links [F2008L03680]*.
AD/BELL 206/111 Amdt 2—Engine Fuel Valve Electrical Connectors P/N MS3456W14S-5S [F2008L03681]*.
AD/BELL 206/124 Amdt 1—Driveshaft Seal [F2008L03684]*.
AD/CASA/30—Autopilot Servo Drive Actuators [F2008L03685]*.
AD/CL-600/87 Amdt 1—Flap Failure [F2008L03686]*.
AD/CL-600/103—Refuel/Defuel Valve Electrical Bonding [F2008L03687]*.
AD/DH 90/1—Fire Precaution Measures on Refuelling [F2008L03688]*.
AD/DH 104/11—Engine Instrument Arrangement – Modification [F2008L03689]*.
AD/DH 104/16—Flap System Modification to Prevent Crossing of Pneumatic Lines [F2008L03690]*.
AD/DHC-2/2—Hydraulic Control Unit – Selector Lever Hub Inspection [F2008L03691]*.
AD/EC 225/5—Main Rotor Blade Leading Edge Protective Strip [F2008L03704]*.
AD/EMB-120/45 Amdt 1—Stall Warning Computer [F2008L03692]*.
AD/PA-24/24—Propeller Inspection and Operating Instructions [F2008L03695]*.
AD/PA-24/34—Automatic Pilot Roll Servo Shear Pin – Installation [F2008L03694]*.
AD/PA-34/1—Compass Installation – Inspection for Accuracy [F2008L03696]*.
AD/PA-34/26—Fuel Line – Inspection and Modification [F2008L03702]*.
AD/PA-34/30—Hose Assembly – Inspection and Replacement [F2008L03703]*.
AD/PREMIER/5—Cabin Altitude and Barometric Pressure Switches [F2008L03769]*.
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act—Select Legislative Instrument 2008 No. 199—Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1) [F2008L03529]*.
Customs Act—Tariff Concession Orders—
0808251 [F2008L03549]*.
0808275 [F2008L03548]*.
0808302 [F2008L03547]*.
0808724 [F2008L03546]*.
0808853 [F2008L03545]*.
0808856 [F2008L03544]*.
0808968 [F2008L03586]*.
0808971 [F2008L03587]*.
0810248 [F2008L03585]*.
Federal Court of Australia Act—Select Legislative Instrument 2008 No. 206—Federal Court (Corporations) Amendment Rules 2008 (No. 2) [F2008L03766]*.
Higher Education Support Act—VET Provider Approvals—
(No. 5 of 2008) [F2008L03777]*.
(No. 6 of 2008) [F2008L03789]*.
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act—Select Legislative Instrument 2008 No. 200—Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Thailand) Regulations 2008 [F2008L03492]*.
National Health Act—Instruments Nos PB—
103 of 2008—Amendment determination – pharmaceutical benefits [F2008L03779]*.
104 of 2008—Amendment determination – responsible persons [F2008L03780]*.
105 of 2008—Amendment determination – conditions [F2008L03781]*.
Radiocommunications Act—
Radiocommunications (861-865 MHz Land Stations and Handsets) Class Licence Revocation 2008 [F2008L03752]*.
Radiocommunications (Cordless Telecommunications Devices) Class Licence Variation 2008 (No. 1) [F2008L03751]*.
Radiocommunications Miscellaneous Devices Class Licence Variation 2008 (No. 1) [F2008L03753]*.
Telecommunications Act—
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Access Equipment for connection to a Telecommunications Network AS/ACIF S003:2008) 2008 [F2008L03757]*.
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network —Part 1: General —AS/ACIF S042.1:2008) 2008 [F2008L03764]*.
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network —Part 2: Broadband —AS/ACIF S043.2:2008) 2008 [F2008L03763]*.
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network —Part 3: DC, low frequency AC and voiceband—AS/ACIF S043.3:2008) 2008 [F2008L03755]*.
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment, operating in the voiceband, for connection to the non-switched Telecommunications Network AS/ACIF S006:2008) 2008 [F2008L03762]*.
Telecommunications Technical Standard (Voice frequency performance requirements for Customer Equipment AS/ACIF S004:2008) 2008 [F2008L03750]*.
* Explanatory statement tabled with legislative instrument.