Senate debates
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Questions on Notice
Attorney-General: Staffing (Question No. 625)
Rachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
asked the Minister representing the Attorney-General, upon notice, on 27 April 2011:
With reference to the department and the agencies within the Minister’s portfolio:
(1) What is the total number of staff currently employed.
(2) What is the total number of staff with a disability currently employed.
(3) What policies or programs are in place to encourage the recruitment of people with a disability.
(4) What retention strategies are in place for people with a disability.
(5) What career pathways or plans are on offer for people with a disability; if none, why.
(6) Are there any specific targets for recruitment and retention; if not, why not.
(7) What policies, programs or services are there to support staff with a disability.
(8) Can details be provided of any policies, programs, services or plans currently under development within the department and its agencies, concerning the employment of people with a disability.
Joe Ludwig (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Government Business in the Senate) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
The Attorney-General has provided the following answer to the honourable senator’s question:
(1) and (2) Responses from the Attorney-General’s Department and portfolio agencies are detailed in the table below.
Responses to questions (3) to (8) from the Attorney-General’s Department and portfolio agencies are detailed below.
(3) Attorney-General’s Department
The Recruitment policies and practices of the Department are committed to providing an equal opportunity to all candidates on the basis of merit and transparency. Any recruitment process can be adapted to meet the needs of candidates with disability.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Tribunal’s recruitment processes, conditions of employment and commitment to reasonable workplace adjustments facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities.
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
ACLEI does not have specific policies to encourage the recruitment of staff with a disability. However, the recruitment policies and practices of ACLEI are committed to providing an equal opportunity to all candidates on the basis of merit and transparency. Any recruitment process can be adapted to meet the needs of candidates with disability.
The ACC currently provides opportunity to all eligible members of the community to apply for positions at the ACC. Information for potential applicants is widely available on the website.
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
Customs and Border Protection is refining its Employment Model throughout 2011-12 which includes a suite of policy guidance to address recruitment, attraction, branding and retention. This refined Employment Model will address recruitment of people with a disability.
Australian Federal Police & the Australian Institute of Police Management
Disability Program and Strategy 2007-2011; The AFP People Plan 2010-2012; and the AFP Diversity Plan (revised 2011). The Diversity plan specifically aims to embed disability friendly statements in information and to identify specific additional positions that may be suitable for people with a disability.
Australian Government Solicitor
AGS does not have specific programs in place for the recruitment of people with disability. However, AGS complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and has a comprehensive diversity policy that is applied to recruitment. The recruitment process can be adapted to meet the needs of candidates with a disability, for example, the format of the application to specific seating arrangements at interviews. Reasonable adjustments (see part 7) are discussed with candidates during the interview.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Commission has a workplace diversity plan in place encouraging the employment of persons with disabilities. Principles of reasonable adjustment are included in the Commission’s selection processes. The website is designed to be accessible to persons with visual impairments; TTY facilities are also available for the provision of selection criteria. The Commission provides corporate services, specialist employment advice and are active participants in the Australian Network on Disability.
Australian Institute of Criminology
Strategies and actions are in place which include:
Health and Wellbeing Training
Australian Law Reform Commission
The ALRC currently has three policies in place to encourage the recruitment of people with disability.
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIO’s recruitment policies and activities are based on selecting staff through merit processes, irrespective of whether applicants have a disability. ASIO’s Disability Action Plan 2010–2014 ensures that ASIO promotes an inclusive work environment for all staff and that staff with a disability are treated in accordance with the principles of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020.
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
The CDPP Recruitment and Selection policies and practices include guidelines and advice to managers and selection panels on approaches and processes to assist candidates with a disability.
CrimTrac is committed to workplace diversity principles, and employs strategies and actions to further the Commonwealth Disability Strategy within the Agency. In July 2010, CrimTrac successfully piloted an employment program for engaging people with disability. The Agency partnered with a Commonwealth Disability Employment Service Provider to design and offer an appropriate position to specifically engage a person with disability. This position was initially offered as a non-ongoing opportunity. However, as this arrangement has seen the effective integration of this employee into CrimTrac’s workforce as a valued and productive team member, this appointment has been converted to an ongoing employment arrangement. CrimTrac anticipates a long and mutually beneficial employment relationship. As part of engaging this employee, CrimTrac undertook a number of activities including:
CrimTrac’s website complies with accessibility standards for the disabled and collects staff workplace diversity information including information on disabilities. The Agency ensures that employment policies and procedures comply with workplace diversity principles and the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The principle of reasonable adjustment is applied across all recruitment and staffing processes, and CrimTrac encourages applicants to request any required alternate arrangements. In addition, procedures are in place to ensure managers receive appropriate support and advice in meeting their obligations to applicants with disabilities.
The FCoA has a Disability Strategy in place which builds on the Court’s commitment to the principles of workplace diversity and equality of access to employment and other opportunities. The Court also has an Equal Employment Opportunity Form and Employment Health Declaration form included in induction packs. Information from these forms enables the Court to provide assistance to staff with a disability if required.
Federal Court of Australia, Australian Competition Tribunal, Copyright Tribunal of Australia & Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
The Court is a member of the Australian Network on Disability. The Network arranges for the placement of law graduates or final year law students who have identified as having a disability, under its “Stepping into Law” program. This normally involves an internship in non ongoing employment of up to 12 weeks for participants, with the aim of fostering their legal careers and providing them with valuable experience in a legal environment. The Court has one current intern and three previous interns, who reported very favourably on their experience.
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia
The Federal Magistrates Court of Australia has a Disability Strategy in place which builds on the Court’s commitment to the principles of workplace diversity and equality of access to employment and other opportunities. The Court also has an Equal Employment Opportunity Form and Employment Health Declaration form included in induction packs. Information from these forms enables the Court to provide assistance to staff with a disability if required.
The High Court does not have a stated policy to encourage the recruitment of staff with a disability.
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia
ITSA has a Disability Employment Strategy. Under the Strategy, ITSA regularly reports the percentage of employees with a disability. In addition general awareness of disability issues is included in management training.
To assist in recruitment, ITSA has a Disability Contact Officer and their details are provided on all selection documents.
ITSA has not been in a position to proactively recruit people with disability in recent years. However, as part of the establishment of the National Service Centre (NSC) in Adelaide to support the Personal Properties Securities Register (a new government initiative) four positions have been specifically set aside for people with disability using special measures recruitment arrangements. In addition ITSA is working with a specialist recruitment agency to recruit additional people with disability as part of the general NSC recruitment campaign.
ITSA has recently established a panel of recruitment providers and one of these providers is a specialist recruitment agency predominantly working with people with disability and employers to find employment options for them.
National Native Title Tribunal
The National Native Title Tribunal (Tribunal), in its 2009-10 Annual Report, reported on its performance under the Commonwealth Disability Strategy in the roles of employer and provider. The Tribunal’s response regarding its employer role has been reported in the APSC Australian Public State of the Service Report; and in its agency survey response to the APSC Australian Public State of the Service Report the National Native Title Tribunal reported that mainstream policies and procedures are in place to place to encourage the recruitment of people with disability.
Office of Parliamentary Counsel
The following policies and programs are in place to encourage the recruitment of people with disability:
(4) Attorney-General’s Department
The department is committed to the retention of staff and make any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees that have identified themselves as having a disability.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Tribunal works with employees who have a disability to identify areas, including reasonable workplace adjustments, where the Tribunal can assist with their employment. These arrangements are reviewed on an ongoing basis so that issues that might lead to an employee leaving the Tribunal are addressed quickly and effectively.
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
ACLEI does not have specific strategies to retain staff with a disability. However, ACLEI is committed to the retention of staff and makes any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees that have identified themselves as having a disability.
Australian Crime Commission
If an employee identifies as possessing a disability, support is available to suit the needs of the individual.
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
There are no retention strategies for people with a disability in place at the present time, however these will be developed as the Employment Model is fully implemented.
Australian Federal Police & the Australian Institute of Police Management
Disability Program and Strategy 2007-2011; The AFP People Plan 2010-2012; and the AFP Diversity Plan (revised 2011). The Diversity Plan specifically aims to embed disability friendly statements retention information. The Plan also looks to create the right environments to provide all AFP members with practical information on disability and supporting people with disability. It looks to educate managers on their responsibilities and ensures AFP facilities support people with a disability.
Australian Government Solicitor
AGS does not identify specific groups of employees for the purposes of targeting their retention. Employees who require additional support or consideration to carry out their duties are assessed on an individual basis with appropriate resources and support put in place.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Commission has fully accessible premises and has flexible working arrangements and reasonable adjustment arrangements embedded in the Certified Agreement and other Commission policies.
Australian Institute of Criminology
The AIC is committed to the retention of staff and makes any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees that have identified themselves as having a disability.
Australian Law Reform Commission
The ALRC Reasonable Adjustment Policy is the retention policy that is in place for people with disability.
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIO’s retention strategies for people with disability include policies for flexible leave options, part-time employment, safety initiatives such as workplace risk assessments, wellbeing and psychological support services, ergonomic workstations and furniture that can be readily modified to accommodate requirements, etc. These strategies can be tailored to meet the specific and individual needs of all staff.
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
AUSTRAC is developing a Disability Action Plan. In the interim, some strategies that are currently in place under the AUSTRAC Workplace Diversity Plan include:
The development and implementation of the AUSTRAC Disability Action Plan will mean that additional strategies will be put in place for the recruitment and retention of employees with a disability.
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Broad retention strategies apply to all employees. Specific strategies and practical support are designed and implemented for individuals.
Opportunities for learning and development, career planning and management, flexible working arrangements.
Family Court of Australia
The FCoA ensures that all staff have access to training and development opportunities and study leave provisions. The Court also provides access to the Employee Assistance Programme whereby professional and confidential counselling and support for a range of issues are provided.
Federal Court of Australia, Australian Competition Tribunal, Copyright Tribunal of Australia & Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
As stated in response (3), the Court is an active member of the Australian Network on Disability and supports its “Stepping into Law” program. In addition, the Court’s Workplace Diversity Plan and its Enterprise Agreement support the retention of people with disability through flexible work practices and reasonable adjustments to duties, equipment and facilities where required.
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia
The Federal Magistrates Court of Australia ensures that all staff have access to training and development opportunities and study leave provisions. The Court also provides access to the Employee Assistance Programme whereby professional and confidential counselling and support for a range of issues are provided.
High Court of Australia
The High Court does not have a stated retention policy for staff with a disability.
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia
ITSA does not have a stated retention policy for staff with a disability.
National Native Title Tribunal
For similar reasons stated to response (3) above the Tribunal’s mainstream policies and procedures are in place to encourage the retention of people with disability.
Office of Parliamentary Counsel
The following retention strategies are in place for people with disability;
(5) Attorney-General’s Department
The department supports in the development and training of all staff to enhance and further their careers, and makes any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees that have identified themselves as having a disability.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Tribunal is a small agency with limited opportunities for internal career paths. Through its performance management and professional development programmes, the Tribunal provides employees with training and other learning and development activities (including placements in other APS agencies) that will assist them to further their careers.
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
ACLEI supports the development and training of all staff to enhance and further their careers, and makes any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees that have identified themselves as having a disability.
Australian Crime Commission
All employees have an individual development plan including goals, on-going feedback of performance and the mechanism to plan professional development.
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
There are no specific career pathways or plans on offer for people with a disability at this time. However a Career Streams project is underway to identify job roles matched to capabilities within Customs and Border Protection. This will enable the agency to effectively match individuals to positions and career pathways.
Australian Federal Police & the Australian Institute of Police Management
Disability Program and Strategy 2007-2011; The AFP People Plan 2010-2012; and the AFP Diversity Plan (revised 2011). An outcome of the Diversity Plan is to investigate and provide appropriate targeted development, leadership training and career management opportunities for people with a disability during 2011.
Australian Government Solicitor
See response (3). Career development for AGS employees with disabilities is conducted as part of the annual performance management program that applies to all AGS employees, recognising the principles set out in AGS's diversity policy. There are no restrictions on career opportunities for employees with a disability: AGS has had employees with disabilities across job classifications in both professional and support roles.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Commission accommodates career options through its performance management scheme and learning and development plan.
Australian Institute of Criminology
The AIC supports the development and training of all staff to enhance and further their careers, and makes any appropriate or reasonable adjustments to accommodate staff that has identified themselves as having a disability.
Australian Law Reform Commission
The ALRC is a small single function agency and it is difficult to provide career pathways within the organisation as there are very limited vacancies, and most positions require specific expertise and experience. There are no specific career pathways or plans on offer for people with disability, beyond our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and ALRC Reasonable Adjustment Policy. However, the ALRC is in the process of becoming an agency subject to the Public Service Act (from July 2011) and this should offer more options to develop career pathways through the Public Service for all ALRC employees, including people with disability, than are currently available.
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIO is developing a career management/pathways framework for all staff and, similarly to other Government employment frameworks, it will consider the needs of staff with disabilities.
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
AUSTRAC does not offer separate career pathways or plans for staff with a disability. As with all APS agencies, AUSTRAC’s recruitment and promotion procedures are based on merit and involve a fair and transparent competitive selection process which assesses the relative suitability of applicants for the duties of a position. In relation to other employment decisions, such as transfers and higher duties, whilst these do not require a competitive, merit-based selection process, an assessment on the ability of the person to meet the genuine requirements of the duties is still required. This includes a consideration of whether, if reasonable adjustments are made, employees with disability can meet the inherent requirements of the position.
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
The CDPP offers career and other development opportunities to all employees through formal learning and development programs and performance management arrangements. Arrangements for people with disability are tailored to their circumstances.
CrimTrac created an entry level position for a person with a disability. Career planning and pathways for all staff in CrimTrac are accommodated within the performance management framework and take into account individual needs and circumstances.
Family Court of Australia
Career support is provided by team leaders within the Court through the Performance Development system. Staff are also encouraged to participate in training and development opportunities.
Federal Court of Australia, Australian Competition Tribunal, Copyright Tribunal of Australia & Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
The Court actively encourages skills development and mobility initiatives such as its National Training Program and Studies Assistance Scheme. Also, the Court anticipates that its involvement in the “Stepping into Law” program may lead in the medium term to more disabled people securing ongoing roles in the Court.
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia
Career support is provided by team leaders within the Court through the Performance Development system. Staff are also encouraged to participate in training and development opportunities.
High Court of Australia
The High Court does not have specific pathways or plans for staff with a disability. Given the small number of positions at the High Court, it is not feasible to have specific pathways or plans for staff with a disability.
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia
As a small agency ITSA does not have any specific career pathways for people with a disability, however, individual personal development plans are developed for all staff. Six monthly formal reviews take place, as well as one on one meetings on a regular basis to discuss individual needs and progress against goals and aspirations. Any specific needs of an individual would be considered as part of this process. All staff are actively encouraged to attend learning and development activities and each employee is required to undertake 40 hours of learning and development per annum as a productivity initiative under ITSA’s Enterprise Agreement.
National Native Title Tribunal
As of 1 July 2010 the Tribunal implemented a Work Development and Review Plan for all employees. The Plan provides a platform from which individual performance objectives, assessments and development needs can be documented and monitored in a structured format.
Office of Parliamentary Counsel
Individual development plans are developed for all staff. For staff with a disability, the individual development plan would consider and respond to the needs of that staff member.
(6) Attorney-General’s Department
The department does not have a specific target for recruitment and retention of people with disability however will take the guidance of the Australian Public Service Commission in regard to any APS wide workforce diversity initiatives.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The AAT does not have a specific target for recruitment and retention of people with disability, but will take the guidance of the Australian Public Service Commission to any APS wide workforce diversity initiatives.
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
The ACLEI does not have a specific target for recruitment and retention of people with disability, but will take the guidance of the Australian Public Service Commission to any APS wide workforce diversity initiatives.
Australian Crime Commission
No. Targets are being developed as part of the Disability Action Plan in consultation with the Australian Public Service Commission.
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
There are currently no specific targets for recruitment and retention of people with a disability. Targets will be defined following implementation of the Employment Model and the Career Streams Project.
Australian Federal Police & the Australian Institute of Police Management
The AFP People Plan 2010-2012; and the AFP Diversity Plan (revised 2011) both state that it is the objective of the AFP to support a diverse workforce that better reflects the Australian community that we serve. The long term goal for the AFP is to improve our overall diversity representation of women, Indigenous Australians and people with a disability at levels closer to the representation within the community.
Australian Government Solicitor
No. However, through its diversity policy, AGS bases employment decisions on applicants' suitability for the job, irrespective of any disability.
Australian Human Rights Commission
There are no specific targets. Staff employed with a disability is currently around 7% of our workforce which is above the APS average. The Commission’s recruitment and employment policies encourage and support the employment of people with disability.
Australian Institute of Criminology
The AIC does not have a specific target for recruitment and retention of people with disability, but will take the guidance of the Australian Public Service Commission to any APS wide workforce diversity initiatives.
Australian Law Reform Commission
The ALRC does not have any specific targets for recruitment and retention of people with disability. However, our recruitment policies specifically refer to our Reasonable Adjustment policy, and our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. The ALRC also monitors its progress against its compliance with the Commonwealth Disability Strategy and reports annually against this Strategy in its Annual Report. This provides the ALRC with impetus to improve its procedures and approach to working and communicating with people with disability.
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
All ASIO policies comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and no specific targets have been set.
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis
AUSTRAC does not currently have specific targets for recruiting people with a disability. AUSTRAC currently has 9 employees (3% of employees) who have self identified as having a disability. The AUSTRAC Disability Action Plan will examine strategies to improve recruitment and retention, together with an education program to promote the self identification of people with disabilities. The Plan will also examine setting specific targets.
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
The CDPP does not have specific targets for recruitment and retention of people with disability.
While the agency does not have specific targets for recruitment and retention in our workforce planning strategy, our policies, programs and services have resulted in a consistently high level of employment and retention of people with a disability within the agency. The current rate of employment is 6% of CrimTrac’s workforce.
Family Court of Australia
The FCoA does not have specific targets for recruitment and retention of people with disability.
Federal Court of Australia, Australian Competition Tribunal, Copyright Tribunal of Australia & Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
As noted earlier the Court is a small agency and not in a position to establish meaningful targets of this kind for ongoing positions. However the Court aims to recruit 2 – 3 interns under the “Stepping into Law” program each year in non ongoing roles. In addition, position documentation is reviewed to ensure people with disability are not discouraged in applying for vacancies.
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia
The Federal Magistrates Court of Australia does not have specific targets for recruitment and retention of people with disability.
High Court of Australia
No. Given the small number of positions advertised each year it is not practicable to set specific targets for recruitment and retention.
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia
No. As a small/medium agency ITSA does not generally conduct large scale recruitment and therefore is not able to put in place targets. However, where opportunity arises, specific targets have been set (as per 3 above).
National Native Title Tribunal
For resource-related reasons the Tribunal has set no specific targets.
In terms of its commitment to diversity, the Tribunal is prioritising the development and implementation of strategies for the recruitment, retention and development of its Indigenous employees. The Tribunal’s comprehensive Indigenous Employment Strategy (IES) was launched in December 2010. The IES is the product of extensive research, discussion, drafting and consultation by the project team. It sets out a range of initiatives designed to enhance the recruitment and retention of Indigenous employees and to improve the workplace culture, for the benefit of Indigenous employees, non-Indigenous employees and for the Tribunal as a whole. More recently the IES has been complemented by the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan. The IES is being implemented by its Human Resources section in collaboration with its Indigenou