Senate debates
Monday, 7 November 2011
Halal Islamic Food
To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled
This petition of certain citizens of Australia draws the attention of the Senate to the dramatic expansion of Halal Islamic food in Australia and the lack of choice for those citizens who do not wish to eat Halal certified food that has been dedicated to the Islamic deity "Allah" and certified by an Islamic Authority who charge a fee.
We therefore humbly request the Senate to ensure that Halal Islamic food does not become the norm in Australian shopping centres, schools or defence bases etc and to ensure all Halal Islamic food is clearly labelled with a legible description and that Australian customers always have the choice of Halal Islamic food or non-Halal Islamic food, as we oppose any imposition of Sharia Law on Australia.
And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
by Senator Williams (from 4 citizens).