Senate debates
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
4:51 pm
Bridget McKenzie (Victoria, National Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I present documents listed on today's order of business at item 13, which were presented to the President, Deputy President and Temporary Chairs of Committees after the Senate adjourned on 20 September 2012.
Documents presented out of sitting
(a) Committee reports
1. Community Affairs Legislation Committee––Report—Low Aromatic Fuel Bill 2012—
Interim (received 21 September 2012)
Final, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented to the committee (received 26 September 2012)
2. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee––Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012 [Provisions]—
Report, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented to the committee (received 25 September 2012)
Correction (received 2 October 2012)
3. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee––Management of the Murray-Darling Basin; Second interim report: the Basin Plan (received 3 October 2012)
4. Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee––Report, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented to the committee––Detention of Indonesian minors in Australia (received 4 October 2012)
(b) Government responses to parliamentary committee reports
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee––Report––Held Hostage: Government’s response to kidnappings of Australian citizens overseas (received 26 September 2012)
(c) Government documents
1. Medibank Private Limited––
Report for 2011-12 (received 27 September 2012)
Statement of corporate intent 2012-13 (received 27 September 2012)
2. Department of Finance and Deregulation––Campaign advertising by Australian government departments and agencies––Report for 2011-12 (received 28 September 2012)
3. Final budget outcome 2011-12––Report by the Treasurer (Mr Swan) and the Minister for Finance and Deregulation (Senator Wong) (received 28 September 2012)
4. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry––Report for 2011-12 (received 5 October 2012)
(d) Reports of the Auditor-General
1. No. 5 of 2012-13––Performance audit––Management of Australia’s air combat capability––F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet fleet upgrades and sustainment: Department of Defence; Defence Materiel Organisation (received 27 September 2012)
2. No. 6 of 2012-13––Performance audit––Management of Australia’s air combat capability––F-35A Joint Strike Fighter acquisition: Department of Defence; Defence Materiel Organisation (received 27 September 2012)
3. No. 7 of 2012-13––Performance audit––Improving access to child care––The Community Support Program: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (received 3 October 2012)
(e ) Returns to order
1. Immigration—Nauru—Service provisions––Order for the production of documents (motion of Senator Hanson-Young agreed to 17 September 2012) (received 21 September 2012)
2. Indigenous Australians––Study of Indigenous children––Order for the production of documents (motion of Senator Siewert agreed to 20 September 2012) (received 28 September 2012)
3. Taxation––Minerals Resource Rent Tax––Monthly revenue collection updates––Order of the production of documents––Statement (motion of Senator Cormann agreed to 11 September 2012) (received 28 September 2012)
(f) Letters of advice relating to Senate orders
1. Letters of advice relating to lists of contracts:
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
2. Letters of advice relating to lists of departmental and agency appointments and vacancies:
Finance and Deregulation portfolio (received 3 October 2012)
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (received 4 October 2012)
Human Services portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
Infrastructure and Transport portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
Attorney-General’s portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
3. Letters of advice relating to lists of departmental and agency grants:
Australian National Preventative Health Agency (received 2 October 2012)
Finance and Deregulation portfolio (received 3 October 2012)
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (received 4 October 2012)
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (received 4 October 2012)
Human Services portfolio (received 5 October 2012)
Office for Sport (received 5 October 2012)
Department of Infrastructure and Transport (received 5 October 2012)
Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio (received 5 October 2012)