Senate debates
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Tasmania: Indigenous Affairs
9:20 pm
Jacqui Lambie (Tasmania, Palmer United Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I rise in this adjournment debate to alert the people of Tasmania to a crisis which has developed in the management of Indigenous affairs in Tasmania. I have written today to the Prime Minster and to the Federal Police Commissioner, asking for their help and consideration. The correspondence is as follows:
Dear Prime Minister
RE: Independent Investigation (Royal Commission) into Tasmanian management of Indigenous Affairs
I write to express my grave concerns about the management of Aboriginal affairs in Tasmania and to call for a Royal Commission.
I also write to inform you of what I believe are credible reports of threats to the physical safety of members of the Tasmanian Indigenous community, myself and my family.
I have become aware of these threats after I detailed my indigenous heritage in my first speech to the Australian Senate.
The allegations of threats of physical harm to myself and others -according to whistle blowers, come from people associated with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Center and members of the 'Mansell' family.
A number of people claiming to be Tasmanian Aboriginals have contacted my office since Mr Clyde Mansell launched an extraordinary personal attack in reaction to the disclosure of my Tasmanian aboriginal heritage during my fist speech to the Senate.
One common allegation is that there are strong family links between the TAC and outlaw bikers.
A photograph of Michael Mansells former wife and Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre chief executive Heather Sculthorpe standing in front and being supported by a group of Rebels Bikers - on the 26th of January 2014 and featured in a local news paper is said to have sent shock waves through the indigenous community.
The message according to my source was:
"Now at an invasion day rally on Australia Day that was held on the lawns of Parliament House recently Heather was photographed –
and it was in the Mercury standing right in front of a whole line of Rebels Motorcycle gang members who were present –
and it caused real waves in the aboriginal community because a lot of people felt very, very uncomfortable linking aboriginal politics if you like or aboriginal activities, cultural activities with henchman basically
- and with people involved in illegal actives - an d I mean we've got a lot of people in our community who are young and who go off the rails and they join motorcycle clubs and then they go to gaol or even worse -
- young people get addicted to drugs and they are used as drug mules and then they end up ya know what I mean sourcing those drugs from those same bike groups -
- so what does it mean for people who come out and support the aboriginal community when they are backhandedly selling our children drugs and killing them."
The people making that allegation have expressed great fear of the physical, psychological and financial harm - that the Mansell family is capable of causing to any one who tries to claim their Tasmanian aboriginal identity - without first seeking the approval and endorsement of the TAC and/or Mansell family.
I note that the media has reported - a special police operation, Operation Morpheus, nation wide - is now being conducted, that hits the increasing number of bikie gangs and members posing the highest risk to the community through their violent and criminal activities.
I would appreciate the attention of Operation Morpheus in Tasmanian in relation to these allegations.
My staff conducted two telephone interviews with a potential whistle blower.
During the second call, because information of alleged threats to the physical safety of myself, my family members and others was likely to be disclosed - a recording devise Under s 5 of the Listening Devices Act 1991 (Tas)
• (if there is a reasonable belief that it is immediately necessary to get evidence or information in respect of an imminent threat of serious violence to a person, of substantial damage to property or a serious narcotics offence: s 5(2)(c))
... was used in order to make accurate records of the conversation.
I have attached a transcript of that phone call and conversation for your and the federal police's records and information.
You'll note that the person disclosing the alleged threats to my self and my family members also claims to be a victim of violence themselves ¬and expresses great fear.
I ask that you and the federal police deal with this report and allegations in a sensitive manner while also offering protection and if possible - anonymity to the whistle blower.
I note that the provision of anonymity is available under both federal and state public disclosure legislation.
I find it strange and bizarre in the extreme - that persons who visited Muammar Gaddaffi and formed friendship and links with one the worlds worst and most notorious terrorist networks - have been - over the years entrusted with the management of hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars.
How did this unsatisfactory situation develop and why was it allowed to continue despite a number of serious public complaints?
I will not be satisfied with any thing less than a Royal Commission investigation.
According to parliamentary library study-there are more than 19000 Tasmanians who claim aboriginal ancestry who live in Tasmania.
However the TAC and associated Mansell family members and friends who are effectively in charge of the official state recognition of indigenous people - only acknowledge approximately 3000 Tasmanians who claim official indigenous recognition.
This fact alone should ring alarm bells.
Combine this fact with allegations that persons from the TAC who are closely affiliated with out law motorcycle gang members - also have influence within the Tasmanian Department of Child Services and are possibly registered official foster carers- and you have a recipe for a child safety disaster.
I also note that it is commonly acknowledged that a methamphetamine crisis or ICE epidemic has befallen many communities in Tasmania.
The one of the root causes of this vile social cancer afflicting the youth both indigenous and non indigenous are members of Out Law Bikers gangs.
My blood boils when I see Out Law Biker gang HQ's brazenly established opposite Tasmanian Councils Halls and Children's school grounds.
What is happening in Tasmania when these people who proudly claim they are 1% ers in other words criminals - are allowed to brazenly display their colors and power?
I've been made aware of the extreme level of fear that is in communites with regard to the threat Out Law Biker Gangs pose to Whistle Blowers and people who speak out about the real cause of the ICE epidemic in Tasmania.
I have spoken to senior members of the media who for reasons of personal safety refuse to write about the high levels of criminal influence, reach and adverse influence Tasmanian outlaw biker gangs possess.
In closing - I would like you to make it a priority to rid Tasmania of the evil influence of out law motor cycle gangs. Apart from Islamic extremists, they pose one of the greatest threats to the safety and well being of our communities and children.
And secondly I want you to use every resource and power at your disposal to investigate the management of commonwealth and states funds ear marked for Tasmanian indigenous programs and people.
I strongly believe that the only way you will be able to guarantee no criminal activity, misappropriation or fraudulent use of public funds has occurred - over the time its been managed by people associated with TAC and the Mansell family is for a Royal Commission investigation to take place.
I would like you to offer and guarantee immediate protection to whistleblowers. The level of Aboriginal disadvantage is at a critical level. Aboriginal mortality rates, education standards, rates of criminality and social disadvantage are not acceptable.
Andrew Forrest says that "Seismic, not incremental change is required and the time for action is now. These solutions are not expensive and parity is completely achievable with the strength of will from each of us."
A Royal Commission into the management of funds ear marked for Tasmanian Aboriginal people in the long run will save money and lives. It will also produce meaningful and seismic change in Tasmanian Aboriginal affairs.
Yours faithfully
Senator Jacqui Lambie
Senator for Tasmania
Mr Acting Deputy President, in my letter you have heard some of the concerns expressed to my staff by an Indigenous whistleblower. It is important that this person's voice be further heard in this chamber so that Tasmanians and Australians can understand why it is important to conduct an independent inquiry.
The following are the exact words spoken by this whistleblower to a staff member. I have selected important replies during a conversation which lasted more that 30 minutes. The whistleblower reports:
That is exactly right and my aboriginality is endorsed by the aboriginal land council of Tasmania and by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, so I've been through their Aboriginality processes but mind you it's very begrudging recognition.
OK is there, is it a difficult process to go through?
I've been through seven separate aboriginality processes urn in my life time starting when I was seventeen years old, um, when everyone has been as vicious as the next.
Absolutely administratively vicious, um you know the one for um the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre was extremely awful, very abusive very violent … you know the administrative equivalent of running a gauntlet and saying if you come out the other end.
You're not talking about physically violent though are you?
It can get physically violent.
From the ...
I've certainly been assaulted on previous occasions by other aboriginal community members and certainly verbally abused, I've been excluded … you know and so has anybody who is a member of my family, family group, um and really any of the family groups in Tasmania are vulnerable to that, … if you have political differences to the TAC are out.
Yep, you make very good points. Now what concerns me was that you expressed this morning that because you refused to make a public statement denouncing Jacqui that Mr Mansell … you felt a sense of threat, a physical threat.
Well I think anybody in the aboriginal community who expressed any kind of sympathy for Jacqui right now um or anything she say's is likely to be attacked.
By the Mansell's?
By the Mansell's and by you know his cohort I suppose, so I anybody in the TAC basically. Um you know like I said you know they are a very powerful family structure within the aboriginal community and that's how they retain power, so even the TAC Facebook page, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Facebook page this afternoon they're coming out on that page with some really horrible laterally violent stuff against Jacqui, because they're garnering support and are misrepresenting the things that she's said and all kinds of things … you know so it's a pretty dangerous space for any one individual in the aboriginal community to sort of put our hand up and kind of go well actually what about this or look I don't think she Jacqui was saying this I think she was saying something else. Just no capacity to be able do that kind of stuff within the aboriginal community without drawing such vicious betrayal to yourself that it is frightening.
Do you still say that the aboriginal community has been terrorised by the TAC?
Yeah, and others associated with the TAC. The TAC structure itself and by the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania and you know look you know the TAC has a lot of membership um but really its only serving a really very small group in the community because its serving a few small family groups.
But you know what I mean so..
And they're headed by the Mansell's obviously.
Yep. And Heather Sculthorpe.
And Heather Sculthorpe, now just explain the connection that Heather Sculthorpe has to the Mansell's and also the connection's you talked about to the Outlaw Motorcycle gangs.
Well Heather Sculthorpe is the CEO she is the State-wide CEO of The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre has three branch organisations one located in Burnie, one located in Launceston and one in Hobart, so she oversees the three of those branches now it has a state-wide committee but the state-wide committee is a bit of a joke because its controlled by Heather as you know politically as CEO so it's a case of you know the tail wagging the dog if you like, now Heather and Michael Mansell were married for a very long time and they had a daughter Narla McKenna Mansell, now Narla McKenna Mansell has been state secretary of the TAC on and off for years and years and years and you know nobody has ever seen that as a conflict of interest but you know it's been its just been very interesting urn so basically you know a lot of opportunities and stuff like that within the TAC just go to people within those family structures and never hits the people on the ground … you know just out in community or whatever they never get a shot at going on oversee trips or repatriation of human remains or any of the big you know the big very culturally important activities it's all reserved for those immediate family groups so they've been developed as an honorarchy and a leadership. Now Narla who is Heather and Michaels daughter married to the president of I'm sure it's the Rebels Motorcycle Club but I would just say a prominent Tasmanian Motorcycle club—right.
Now at an invasion day rally an Australia Day that was held on the lawns of Parliament House recently Heather was photographed and it was in the Mercury standing in front of right a whole line of Rebels Motorcycle gang members who were present and it caused real waves in the aboriginal community because a lot of people felt very, very uncomfortable linking aboriginal politics if you like or aboriginal activities, cultural activities with henchman basically and with people involved in illegal activities and I mean we've got a lot of people in our community who, young, who go off the rails and they join motorcycle clubs and then they go to gaol or even worse young people get addicted to drugs and then they end up ya know what I mean sourcing those drugs from those same bike groups so what does it mean for people who come out and support the aboriginal community when they are backhandedly selling our children drugs and killing them.
I understand that the ICE problem is very big in certain communities—Smithton?
Massive in Tasmania, massive, especially massive in Launceston and especially massive on the North West coast of Tasmania where Jacqui comes from, so I don't know there could be links there—I don't know I mean I don't roll in that world, do you know what I mean? I can only guess but I mean look it struck me as extremely strange as an aboriginal community member, I mean look I guess at the end of the day if the Aboriginal community are holding a cultural event like commemorating you know what happened to aboriginal people on Australia Day publicly then anybody from the community is sort of welcome to attend, but I just found it strange that we would be so welcoming do you know what I mean to an outlaw motorcycle gang that state government are trying to rid Tasmania of.
Clearly there is a serious crisis in the management of Indigenous affairs in Tasmania, and I believe that there is no other choice than to ask that all members support the establishment of a royal commission.