Senate debates

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Questions without Notice: Additional Answers

  • Special Minister of State (1 speech)
    On Tuesday, 1 December, I was asked a question by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate concerning the execution of a search warrant on the home of Mr Brough, and I undertook to get back to...
  • Automotive Industry (1 speech)
    On Tuesday I was asked a series of questions by Senator Muir in relation to matters that had been raised with him by the Australian Automotive After Market Association. I can advise the Senate...
  • Noncompliant Building Products (1 speech)
    I want to add to an answer I gave at question time in response to a question from Senator Madigan. The Lacrosse Building fire in Victoria resulted from the use of a product that was not fit for...
  • Road Infrastructure (1 speech)
    Senator Rhiannon asked me for some information regarding WestConnex in New South Wales. I can advise that the updated business case confirms that WestConnex is financially viable and brings...
  • Special Minister of State (2 speeches)
    After discussion with the Leader of the Government in the Senate, I seek leave to make a short statement in response to the additional information that Senator Brandis provided. Leave granted. I...