Senate debates

Thursday, 25 November 2021


Australian Greens

1:36 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | | Hansard source

[by video link] I want to refer to speeches that you, Acting Deputy President Faruqi, and Senator Thorpe gave yesterday. In your speech, Senator Faruqi, you mentioned the term 'far-Right extremist' or 'extremist' every third or fourth line—that enshrines separation. That was five times in just 18 lines. Senator Thorpe used the term 'white privilege' 11 times on average, every fourth line—driving hate and conflict. In private talk with Senator Thorpe—not meant to be kept private, but personal talk—she recognises that the Aboriginal industry is doing enormous damage, but she doesn't say that in public. What we've got is gutless, woke bureaucrats shovelling money continually to keep the gap open so that the people in the Aboriginal industry, both black and white, can make money off it.

Care requires data and facts, not emotive slogans and labels. Care requires understanding. Senator Thorpe talks about climate and Aboriginals, the UN and Aboriginals, and property rights and Aboriginals. They are not the same. These very things are hurting the Aboriginals but not as much as the resort to labels. Keeping people locked in victimhood makes them dependent so that the Greens can control them.

I have never heard anyone condemn you for your race, your gender or your background, only for your incitement to division and hatred. You have the privilege of being in the Senate and representing Australians, but your rhetoric divides on the basis of race. Yet every Australian recognises we all have red blood, regardless of our skin colour. We all have a human spirit that we share with every human, regardless of ethnicity, regardless of background and regardless of prejudices. It's about time that people in this parliament, especially the Greens, start to recognise that we should be united. We are one people. (Time expired)