Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Senators


1:45 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The Australian Labor Party, through the Albanese Labor government, is delivering tax cuts for hardworking Tasmanians. From Swansea to Smithton, Tasmanians will get to keep more of what they earn under Labor's fair and timely reforms. The cost-of-living crisis is impacting across Tasmania. Labor's tax cuts will help boost Tasmania's economy and give taxpayers more money to cover rent, more money to cover child care and more money to cover medical expenses. They will ensure middle-income Australians will get ahead. Those who are aspirational will get more out of these tax cuts, with 84 per cent of all Australian workers getting a tax cut. We have always looked out for Tasmanians. The Labor Party has always stood for fairness, and Labor's tax reforms will deliver fairer tax by addressing bracket creep.

Labor's tax reforms are fair because they will impact at all stages of life. They will help young workers at the start of their careers, young parents and people in their 30s and 40s. More senior working Australians will also benefit from these tax cuts. Labor's tax cuts will help women in every city and town right across this country, including in my home state of Tasmania. Under Labor's tax reforms, Tasmanian teachers, tradies, retail workers and hospitality workers will all keep more of what they earn. The people who work hard every day to provide for their families will get an average tax cut of $1,500 a year. That is $1,500 towards their rent, towards education or towards groceries. It's tax relief for Tasmanians at a time when they really need it. It is tax relief that is based on fairness and that will deliver better outcomes for all Tasmanians. I'm proud of the Albanese Labor government's tax reforms.