Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Senators


1:57 pm

Photo of Simon BirminghamSimon Birmingham (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | | Hansard source

Over the last couple of days, we've marked the second anniversary of the Ukraine war. Two years ago, war returned to Europe—a brutal, bloody type of war, the likes of which we had thought and hoped belonged in the last century. But, as Russia's tanks and troops sought to roll across the border in their illegal, immoral and abominable invasion, we have seen a return to that type of conflict. It was an unprovoked, unjust and unacceptable attack on Ukraine. It was a reminder that the days of despots and autocrats are not gone; in fact, we face the threats more, potentially, than for many, many years.

Putin expected a quick victory, but he miscalculated. On this second anniversary we salute the unwavering strength of Ukrainians, which has kept the belligerent advances of Russia at bay. We also pay tribute to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Lest we forget the tens of thousands who have lost their lives and the many more who have suffered injuries and the loss of income, property, wellbeing and basic humanity.

Within two months of Russia's invasion the former coalition government delivered a comprehensive package of support for Ukraine—military assistance, economic assistance, energy assistance, and support through visas. We were comprehensive in our support. We positioned Australia as a leading non-NATO contributor. Whilst the Albanese government has provided further assistance, it has slipped relative to that of other nations. We call on the Albanese government to reverse their decision and donate Australia's out-of-service MRH-90 Taipan helicopters to Ukraine, to reinstate an Australian embassy in Kyiv, to respond to repeated requests from Ukraine for additional energy support and to ensure the swift finalisation of a double taxation agreement alongside comprehensive support.

Ukraine needs support from all of us right now—Australia and around the world. At this time of this anniversary, we say to them, 'Slava Ukraini.'