Senate debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Aged Care

1:42 pm

Photo of Anne RustonAnne Ruston (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care) Share this | | Hansard source

It has now been 60 days since the Albanese government missed their own deadline to release their aged-care sustainability taskforce report. This important report will inform the ongoing financial structure of the aged-care sector in our country and whether Australians will be expected to pay more for their care. This is a conversation that we have been saying needs to be had with the Australian public, with older Australians and their families. We know that Labor is hiding the report in the lead-up to the Dunkley by-election, and we know the government doesn't ever hide good news.

In fact, Labor has voted twice in this chamber this week against releasing this important report before Saturday. I have no doubt that next sitting week, post the by-election, they might have a very different reaction had I put my request to them then. It is totally indefensible that this Labor government is delaying significant health decisions until after the Dunkley by-election. Estimates this year confirmed that the government was provided with the report in December—before Christmas. This government has a proven track record that is about as transparent as a brick wall, and now it's keeping older Australians and their families purposefully in the dark about this very important reform.

Anthony Albanese needs to prioritise people over his own politics. He must stand up and be honest with the Australian public, with older Australians and with their families, and—first and foremost this week—with the people of Dunkley whom he expects to vote on Saturday. Tell them the truth so that they can make the decision in full knowledge of all of the facts about the intentions of his government for cost-of-living pressures that he may well be going to put onto them next week. Tell them this week so that they can vote you out of government.