Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Statements by Senators

Tasmania State Election

1:32 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

It's been 10 long years and the Liberal state government hangs on by a thread in my home state of Tasmania. Tasmanians face a stark choice this Saturday: they can vote for a majority Labor government or four more years of a Liberal minority government that has failed to address the cost of living, access to hospitals, homelessness and electricity price reform. I say to Tasmanians: if the Liberals haven't fixed the cost of living, health, housing, electricity prices or homelessness in 10 years, they never, ever will. Don't give them 14 years to continue to stuff the Tasmanian economy.

The Hodgman, Gutwein and, now, Rockliff governments have lurched from crisis to crisis, and now it's a government in full paralysis. During their time in government, they have lost members across the parliament: Brooks, Courtney, Petrusma and Archer, and, of course, we can't forget John Tucker and Lara Alexander. They can't keep them in the Liberal tent, and who knows what thorn they might continue to be after this state election.

We need to see Tasmania painted red by voting for a change in government. If you want a change of government, you have to vote for a Labor majority on Saturday. You have to vote 1 to 7 to have a formal vote. It's time, Tasmania—it time to get Tasmania moving again. It's time to stop the ambulance ramping. People need access to health care. They need good education. You need to vote this Saturday for a change in government. If you want to hear more and be up to date with what's happening on Saturday night, as the election results start coming in, then you need to tune into Sky, where we'll be doing the coverage live from here in Canberra. You'll be updated with all the great results that will come in on Saturday. Remember: a formal vote this Saturday in Tasmania is 1 to7. We need to paint Tasmania red. Vote Labor.