Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Statements by Senators

Newroz, Bangladesh

1:46 pm

Photo of David ShoebridgeDavid Shoebridge (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

I'd like to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Newroz. Today we celebrate new light and spring with our Kurdish friends and family across Australia and the world. The Australian Democratic Kurdish Community Centre of New South Wales and the Sydney Kurdish Youth Association told me:

Newroz is the beginning of new light and freedom for Kurds. The idea of Newroz is the fall of the evil leaders in the past and the unity of oppressed people coming together and defeating the evil and celebrating around the bonfire with music and food—

and family. I cannot think of a more worthy celebration, and I look forward to the events held this weekend. Let 2024 be a year of peace and freedom for the Kurdish people across the world.

Madam Acting Deputy President Walsh, 26 March marks the 53rd Independence Day of Bangladesh. It's now been over half a century since Bangladesh gained independence, and I look forward to celebrating with the community at the Bangladesh Community Council iftar next week in Sydney. Promoting multiculturalism, social cohesion and our common humanity is what moments like these are about, but at the same time we must acknowledge the challenges for human rights and democracy in Bangladesh. Just this week, Amnesty International and MSF were in this parliament, talking to politicians about one of the largest refugee camps in the world, Cox's Bazar. One million Rohingya have fled violence and persecution and sought safety in Bangladesh, and I think a lot of people here should reflect on this. Bangladesh has far fewer resources than Australia yet is supporting a far larger refugee community onshore. They need and deserve much more support from governments like Australia's to help ensure the human rights of Rohingya refugees are respected and safe refuge is granted.