Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Statements by Senators

Domestic and Family Violence

1:30 pm

Photo of Kerrynne LiddleKerrynne Liddle (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence) Share this | | Hansard source

Senator Cadell, of course it's got worse in two years. You've probably seen the vision on your screens, whether that was a phone or a television screen, but try living it out in everyday life and seeing it right before your eyes. Everywhere in Australia there's been an increase in domestic and family violence. There are little children in Alice Springs throwing big rocks and wielding big, metal bars and young girls and boys in violent fights in the middle of the day in plain sight in schoolyards and on streets, footy fields and public transport. The only people who don't seem to see them are the Albanese government and the ministers responsible.

It's people in the Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. It's impossible to ignore, and the statistics—that's right—the data, the evidence back it up. That violence sparks retaliation. Youth crime is out of control, and so is violence. Shame on you, every single one of you, for thinking this is a race issue. This is about children's futures—little children's futures. When you're too busy wandering the streets at night, working out how to create mayhem, you're getting arrested by the police, and you're getting released by the police to do it all again. How's that for a CV when you go for a job? There are no jobs for those kids, because nobody decided to take the tough steps and intervene.

You forked out hundreds of millions of dollars post the removal of those alcohol restrictions, but you haven't even asked about accountability. Why aren't the stats improved from what they were before those alcohol restrictions were released? I saw the Prime Minister jet over Alice Springs, avoiding it as much as possible, to get to Darwin— (Time expired)