Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Statements by Senators

Albanese Government

1:48 pm

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The Albanese government has never seen a tax it did not want to flirt with. And it has never met a tax it did not want to take home. Of course, the Australian public do not take kindly to being cheated on. Retaining the affection of the people means that you have to be subtle about your multiple affairs with levies, excises, duties, tolls and, of course, taxes. The Prime Minister and his Treasurer have become experts at denying the taxation lipstick on their collar. They will look the Australian people straight in the eye, promising to do good, while reaching around behind them and stealing their wallets out of their back pockets. They will protest that, 'Our plan hasn't changed', by which they mean they are not yet ready to announce their changed plans. They will insist, 'That is not on the table', which we know means that it is being hidden under the table for a more opportune time.

As the two-year anniversary of our relationship with the federal Labor Party approaches, the Australian public is a jilted lover, sick of being strung along by a government that promises the world while only looking out for itself.

Photo of Paul ScarrPaul Scarr (Queensland, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Engagement) Share this | | Hansard source

And they never pick up the bill.

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Exactly. They never pick up the bill. The public does not believe the PM's promises of fidelity. No-one takes seriously his commitment or faithfulness. Soon the Australian people will kick this unfaithful government to the kerb to seek another that they can trust. But can they really trust the Labor Party? Can they trust my friends to the Right here? I don't know about that one, because, you know what? They are also economic vandals. Hopefully they can do better next time around.