Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Statements by Senators

Oil and Gas Exploration

1:46 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

This is a message to all those Australians out there—my tribe, surfers; divers; ocean lovers; communities right around the coastline of this big country—who've fought and rallied around the nation to stop oil and gas drilling in our oceans. For you, Labor's Future Gas Strategy is a kick in the guts. To anyone who voted for change at the last election—and there were millions—and expected action on climate: you have been betrayed, completely and utterly betrayed, by a government that has completely and utterly capitulated to the fossil fuel industry because that government is completely and utterly captured by powerful vested interests.

If you want evidence, look no further than Labor's Future Gas Strategy. Not only have we written tax law and policy in this place so that the fossil fuel industry avoids paying a cent to the Australian people, not only have we written protest laws to crack down on those fighting for climate action, but we are now going to publicly fund oil and gas exploration in our oceans and on our lands—more dangerous seismic blasting; more risky oil and gas exploration; more phony, unicorn carbon capture and storage. Australians can do one simple thing at the next election—that is, vote for the Greens and vote for climate action. (Time expired)