Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Statements by Senators


1:57 pm

Photo of Jana StewartJana Stewart (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Over the last two years I've had the privilege of travelling across the regions in my home state of Victoria and talking to our diverse communities. In the Mallee I've met passionate people who are working hard to build a bright and prosperous future for their families. Having grown up in the Mallee, I personally know the value of an honest day's work and the can-do attitude of our regions.

The Albanese government values hard work and we invest in it. We're delivering targeted cost-of-living relief to ease the immediate pressures faced by regional families and businesses. On 1 July this year the Albanese Labor government will deliver a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer, not just some. This includes 67,000 people in the Mallee. The average tax cut for taxpayers in the Mallee will be $1,283. And on 1 July 2024 more than 10 million households will receive a total rebate of $300 and eligible small businesses will receive $325 for their electricity bills.

We're putting regional Victoria at the centre of our budget by supporting thriving regions through our investments in infrastructure, jobs and skills. The Albanese government is funding infrastructure in the Mallee, including an additional $8.3 million for the Horsham Junction upgrade; $1 million for the Ballarat to Ouyen intersection upgrade; and $1.2 million for the upgrade of the intersection between Stawell and the South Australian border. This brings our total five-year investment in local roads in the Mallee to $153 million.

People will also hear very soon about the Growing Regions Program, and I hope there will be good news for locals in the Mallee. Labor governments have a strong record of boosting local manufacturing, harnessing economic opportunities and making our regions more productive. Our $22.7 billion plan for a Future Made in Australia will secure a future of well-paid jobs in the Mallee.