Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Safety and Other Measures) Bill 2024; Second Reading

6:15 pm

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

I will first deal with the second reading amendments circulated by the opposition. The question is that the amendments on sheets 2496 and 2624 be agreed to.

Opposition's circulated amendments—

SHEET 2496

At the end of the motion, add ", but the Senate:

(a) notes that:

(i) gas has been and will remain a crucial energy and manufacturing fuel for Australia, and our international partners, and we must continue supporting the development of new gas supplies to bring down energy prices which have skyrocketed under this Government,

(ii) the Government's disastrous record of gas policies over the last two years has left Australia's gas market in a state of disarray,

(iii) the last offshore petroleum acreage release was in August 2022, and the release was originally initiated under the previous Coalition Government,

(iv) since the Tipakalippa decision of the Federal Court in September 2022, the offshore petroleum industry has faced significant regulatory uncertainty, with some approval times extending to over 560 days without a decision,

(v) the Coalition has been calling for urgent regulatory reform since November 2022, and this has yet to occur,

(vi) the Coalition offered bipartisan support for the passage of this Bill, to enable the Government to progress the reforms needed to provide certainty to the offshore oil and gas industry,

(vii) a misinformation campaign from the Greens, Teals, Independents and environmental activist organisations has plagued the progress of this Bill,

(viii) pressure from activists within the Labor Environment Action Network forced the Government to amend their own legislation, weakening the Resources Minister's authority,

(ix) the amendment puts unnecessary additional burdens on the offshore oil and gas sector and gives the Environment Minister additional powers to undermine the Resources Minister; and

(b) calls on the Government to:

(i) support the Opposition's amendment removing unnecessary red and green tape,

(ii) urgently release new offshore petroleum acreage to allow for continued development of new gas supply, and

(iii) curtail the powers of environmental activists by cutting taxpayer funding to the Environmental Defender's Office".


SHEET 2624

At the end of the motion, add ", but the Senate notes that:

(a) there is an urgent need to clarify consultation requirements for offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage activities;

(b) gas plays a critical role in Australia's economy;

(c) natural gas supports our standard of living and Australia's energy security, providing over a quarter of our energy needs;

(d) natural gas is needed through to 2050 and beyond;

(e) we need continued investment in, and development of, gas supply and transport infrastructure;

(f) we cannot turn off Australia's gas without significant adverse impacts on Australians and our region; and

(g) Australian gas will continue to be required, not only by us, but by our trading partners".

6:22 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | | Hansard source

I table a supplementary memorandum relating to the government amendments to the bill.

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

I will now deal with the Committee of the Whole amendments, and I will start with government amendment (2) on sheet SK114. The question is that part 2 of schedule 2 stand as printed.

The government opposed part 2 of schedule 2 in the following terms

(2) Schedule 2, Part 2, page 61 (line 1) to page 64 (line 21), to be opposed.

6:26 pm

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

The question now is that amendment (1) on sheet SK114 and the amendment on sheet SK115 be agreed to.

Government's circulated amendments—


(1) Clause 2, page 2 (table item 4), omit the table item, substitute:



(1) Schedule 1, item 130, page 53 (after line 18), after clause 88D, insert:

88E Extended meaning of employee and employer

For the purposes of clauses 88 to 88D, if:

(a) a person carries on an activity at a facility; and

(b) an individual is a contractor of the person;

the person is taken to be an employer and the individual is taken to be anemployee of the person.

Question agreed to.

The Australian Greens have circulated amendments on sheet 2425 revised that are identical to the government amendments that we just dealt with. I will therefore not put the question on those amendments. I will now deal with the amendments circulated by the opposition on sheet 2490. The question is that subsections 790E(1A) to (1D) and subsection 790E(6) in item 6 of schedule 2 stand as printed.

The opposition opposed item 6 of schedule 2 in the following terms

(2) Schedule 2, item 6, page 61 (line 23) to page 63 (line 2), subsections 790E(1A) to (1D) to be opposed.

(3) Schedule 2, item 6, page 64 (lines 10 to 21), subsection 790E(6) to be opposed.

6:31 pm

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

The question now is that amendment (1) on sheet 2490 be agreed to.

Opposition 's circulated amendment—

(1) Schedule 2, item 6, page 61 (line 9), omit "Subject to paragraph (1C)(b) and subsection (6), if", substitute "If".