Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Bill 2024, New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2024; First Reading

6:34 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | | Hansard source

I move:

That these bills be now read a first time.

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

The question is that the bills be now read a first time.

6:40 pm

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

I will now deal with the Committee of the Whole amendments circulated by the opposition.

Photo of Michaelia CashMichaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | | Hansard source

A point of clarification: the bills were read a first time.

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

That's right.

Photo of Michaelia CashMichaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | | Hansard source

The bills were then read out by the Clerk.

Photo of Michaelia CashMichaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | | Hansard source

Was there a second reading vote?

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

No. We are not there yet. I will now deal with the Committee of the Whole amendments circulated by the opposition.

Standing order 142 requires us to deal with the bills expeditiously, and all other matters are captured in the final amendment. I will now deal with—

Opposition senators interjecting

I would advise you, I've read the standing order. Please look at the standing order. I am moving on.

Opposition senators interjecting

As I've said, standing order 142 requires that we expeditiously—

Senator Cash, I intend to put the amendment.

Senator Cash, we are in a guillotine. I intend now to put the question. Please resume your seat. I will now deal with the Committee of the Whole amendments circulated by the opposition. I will first deal with (11) and (12) on sheet 2523 to the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Bill 2024. The question is that clauses 79 to 82 and clause 90 stand as printed.

The opposition opposed clauses 79 to 82 and clause 90 of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Bill 2024 in the following terms—

(11) Division 8, clauses 79 to 82, page 68 (line 1) to page 69 (line 10), to be opposed.

(12) Clause 90, page 75 (line 16) to page 77 (line 5), to be opposed.

6:46 pm

Photo of Sue LinesSue Lines (President) Share this | | Hansard source

The question now is that the remaining amendments on sheet 2523 and the amendments on sheet 2524 and sheet 2525 revised be agreed to.

Opposition's circulated amendments—


SHEET 2523

(1) Clause 4, page 3 (line 11), omit "Failure to achieve this may result in a civil penalty.".

(2) Clause 11, page 10 (lines 16 and 17), omit "Failure to achieve this may result in a civil penalty.".

(3) Clause 17, page 15 (lines 8 and 9), omit the penalty.

(4) Clause 17, page 15 (line 10), omit the note.

(5) Clause 46, page 36 (lines 8 and 9), omit "(other than section 17)".

(6) Clause 57, page 42 (lines 22 and 23), omit "(other than section 17)".

(7) Clause 70, page 55 (lines 13 to 15), omit the paragraph beginning "This Part also".

(8) Clause 75, page 61 (line 7), omit "(other than section 17)".

(9) Clause 76, page 64 (lines 12 and 13), omit paragraph 76(7)(a).

(10) Clause 78, page 66 (line 7), omit "(other than section 17)".


SHEET 2524

(1) Clause 11, page 10 (line 15), omit "third", substitute "fourth".

(2) Clause 17, page 15 (line 11), omit "third", substitute "fourth".

(3) Clause 17, page 15 (line 13), omit "2028", substitute "2029".

(4) Clause 37, page 27 (line 19), omit "3 years", substitute "5 years".

(5) Clause 42, page 33 (line 14), omit "second 31 December", substitute "third 31 December".

(6) Clause 42, page 33 (line 21), omit "2027", substitute "2028".

(7) Heading to clause 44, page 34 (line 8), omit "3", substitute "5".

(8) Clause 44, page 34 (line 14), omit "third", substitute "fifth".

(9) Clause 44, page 34 (line 21), omit "2029", substitute "2031".

(10) Clause 44, page 34 (line 29), omit "3 years", substitute "5 years".

(11) Clause 45, page 35 (after line 6), after subclause (2), insert:

(2A) The transferor must give the Secretary:

(a) a declaration that the transferor and transferee are the same business; and

(b) such evidence (if any) as is specified in the rules that the transferor and transferee are the same business.

(2B) A declaration must be in writing and meet the requirements (if any) prescribed by the rules.

(12) Clause 45, page 35 (after line 12), after subclause (3), insert:

(3A) However, the Secretary must not take the actions described in subsection (3) to transfer units from the transferor to the transferee unless the Secretary is satisfied that the transferor and the transferee are the same business.


SHEET 2525

(1) Clause 22, page 17 (lines 2 to 12), omit subclause (1), substitute:

Years in introductory period

(1) The headline limit for a vehicle for a year in the introductory period is:

(a) if the vehicle is a type 1 vehicle—the number determined in an instrument in force under section 31 for type 1 vehicles for the year; or

(b) if the vehicle is a type 2 vehicle—the number determined in an instrument in force under section 31 for type 2 vehicles for the year.

(2) Clause 31, page 24 (lines 3 to 17), omit subclause (2), substitute:

Minister must consider effect of number for headline limit

(2) The Minister may determine a number for the headline limit for type 1 or type 2 vehicles for a particular year only if the Minister has considered the effect of the number on consumer prices, emissions reduction, choice and fairness.

Statement and tabling

(2A) If the Minister determines a number for the headline limit for type 1 or type 2 vehicles for a particular year under subsection (1), the Minister must cause to be laid before each House of the Parliament:

(a) a copy of the determination; and

(b) a statement explaining how the number supports the achievement of net zero by 2050.

(2B) The Minister must comply with subsection (2A) within 2 sitting days of each House of the Parliament after the day on which the determination is made under subsection (1).

(3) Clause 31, page 24 (after line 22), at the end of the clause, add:

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to the determination of a number for the headline limit for type 1 or type 2 vehicles for a year in the introductory period.