Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I rise this afternoon to speak about Australia's transfer pricing arrangements in regard to taxation. In particular I want to focus on two companies whose figures have just been released. One is...
  • Northern Eyre Peninsula Health Alliance (1 speech)
    I'm delighted to stand here today and update the chamber on a project that I have spoken about here before, which is the Northern Eyre Peninsula Health Alliance Innovative Models of Care Program....
  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    In the last two weeks we've seen Mr Dutton dump climate targets for 2030 and then, only days later, announce his dangerous nuclear ploy. Mr Dutton clearly is the Mr Burns of Australian politics,...
  • Live Animal Exports: Sheep (1 speech)
    Keep the sheep! The petition now has over 60,000 signatures. This government and this minister thought it was worthy to put into the explanatory memorandum the fact that 42,000 had signed a...
  • Indigenous Education (1 speech)
    At the Aborigines Advancement League in my home state of Victoria, I recently brought together Victorian First Nations leaders for an education roundtable with my friend and colleague Minister...
  • Personal Information and Privacy (1 speech)
    In the break, opposition leader Peter Dutton joined Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to support a uniparty age ban of 16 on social media. When Minister Gallagher introduced the digital ID, she...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    The Albanese government has abandoned Tasmania by failing to fund critical projects in its latest budget. Even the local Labor member of Lyons told media that he was 'blindsided' by the Albanese...
  • Gondarra, Reverend Dr, OAM, First Nations Australians: Maternity Care (1 speech)
    I'd like to bring to the attention of the Senate the passing of Reverend Dr Gondarra, a prominent Yolgnu elder and leader. He was an incredible man, a very strong leader who fought for justice,...
  • Lawrence, Mr Mick (1 speech)
    Today, in the Australian Senate, I take note of the sad passing of Mick Lawrence, a venerable elder, leader and statesman amongst Tasmanian surfers. Mick passed away suddenly on Wednesday 12...
  • United States of America (1 speech)
    In a week's time, a political commentator in the United States, Steven Bannon, faces four months jail for contempt of Congress. While this is a criminal charge, it's something that has rarely, or...
  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    Last week I had the privilege of visiting Tellus's state-of-the-art low-level waste storage facility at Sandy Ridge. This is near Kalgoorlie in my home state of Western Australia. Until now, it...
  • Refugee Week (1 speech)
    Last week was world Refugee Week. During the week, I had the good fortune of meeting with multicultural groups from across the country. The message I kept hearing was very, very similar. They...
  • Women: Incarceration (1 speech)
    This Wednesday the Parliamentary Friends of Justice group is hosting an event made up entirely of women with lived experience of the carceral system from Sisters Inside and the National Network...
  • Health Care: Women (1 speech)
    It is said that only women and a few toothed whales experience menopause, so you'd think that, for something so rare and for creatures so special, it would be paid a bit more attention. At the...
  • Parliamentary Friends of Nutrition (2 speeches)
    I'd like to give a huge shout-out to the team at Dietitians Australia for hosting the Parliamentary Friends of Nutrition lunch box challenge here in Parliament House this morning. We also heard...