Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Statements by Senators

Climate Change

1:48 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

There has been a lot of talk about the cost of energy over the last couple of weeks, but the key to reducing bills is household electrification—rooftop solar, batteries, electric appliances and EVs. Successive Australian governments have turned rooftop solar into a global success story. With 3.7 million households having already installed rooftop solar, Australia boasts the highest per capita installation of household solar in the world.

Rooftop solar now produces 11 per cent of the National Electricity Market's demand, surpassing black coal as the largest fuel type by generation capacity, and the economic benefits of household electrification are huge. Households that adopt rooftop solar see their energy bills reduced by up to 57 per cent, translating to annual savings of up to $1,350 per household. Transitioning from gas to electric appliances also presents a significant opportunity for savings. Electric appliances are two to six times more efficient than their gas counterparts, resulting in substantial reductions in energy bills. The average household in cooler Australian climates can save 1,200 bucks annually by replacing gas appliances with efficient electric alternatives. Households could be saving $1.2 billion per year if they changed their gas appliances to electric appliances. If the government is serious about reducing energy bills, it will work to promote household electrification, particularly for low-income households, renters and apartment owners. They find it most difficult to transition but will benefit the most. There's an opportunity right now to get going with this.