Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Statements by Senators

Climate Change

1:54 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

Labor and the Liberals are both climate wreckers. How many more bushfires, floods and heatwaves must the world suffer? How much more loss of wildlife, damage to our ecosystems and destruction of sacred sites must happen before the government starts to give a damn? It's clear that Labor has no interest and remains at the behest of companies like Santos, Rio Tinto and BHP. With Labor pushing their Future Made in Australia policy and Future Gas Strategy, we can forget about tackling the climate crisis or meeting any targets whatsoever. And where do I even begin with Peter Dutton and the coalition, a completely out-of-touch party living in a parallel universe where their response to the climate crisis is to pursue a dangerous nuclear fantasy which should never, under any circumstance, become a reality?

So it's nuclear or more coal and gas—two terrible options being brought to you by the Liberals and Labor. What a complete disaster! What an absolute slap in the face to the scientists who have been sounding the alarm for decades! What an absolute slap in the face to First Nations people who have preserved and cared for country for tens of thousands of years! What an absolute slap in the face for people in the Pacific and the global south, who, despite contributing the least to global emissions, will be the most harmed by the climate crisis!

It's clear that voters who care about the climate crisis have only one option: the Greens. We are the only party that is committed to clean renewables, an end to coal and gas, and climate justice—no nuclear, no coal, no gas.

Honourable senators interjecting

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I will ask senators to pay courtesy and give senators the respect of being heard in silence.