Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

  • Renewable Energy, Great Barrier Reef (1 speech)
    Billions of dollars going into wind farms over several years has been unable to prevent a drought in wind power generation this quarter that has surprised the market. Electricity generation from...
  • Women's Economic Security (1 speech)
    The child support payment has become a tool of violence used to economically abuse women. According to a survey that Swinburne University of Technology conducted last year, eight in 10 women have...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    Labor is bad for the bush and bad for WA. I'm going to go through the list, and it just keeps getting longer. We can go back to the Aboriginal Heritage Act, an absolute shemozzle and absolute...
  • Workplace Relations (1 speech)
    Labor has always been the only party for working people, and we are delivering record pay rises for every Australian worker. Since Labor was elected we've delivered minimum wage increases of $143...
  • Tasmania: Youth Services (1 speech)
    I feel for young people growing up in today's world. It's really tough. According to the Productivity Commission, young people are much worse off than their parents were before them. They are...
  • Corporate Governance: E-Conveyancing (1 speech)
    Last week we saw an inflation figure with a four in front of it. It was four per cent in Australia. Part of that is due to excessive government spending—expansionary state and federal...
  • Taxation (3 speeches)
    Tax cuts, cheaper medicines, higher wages, energy bill relief, lower student debt—these are just some of the supports that are on the way to the Australian people.
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    I rise today to send a message to the Labor Party from Feras Shaheen, who is co-president of the Tasmanian Palestine Advocacy Network and a Palestinian-Australian desperately trying to bring his...
  • Early Childhood Education (1 speech)
    Today in Parliament House up in the glass gallery we have educators, parents, grandparents and more than 40 very small children who've come to ask for our support. They've asked for our support...
  • War Memorials (1 speech)
    Over the weekend the Australian War Memorial was desecrated. It was vandalised with political graffiti. Yesterday, Senator Jacqui Lambie moved a motion condemning the act of defacing war...
  • International Relations: Australia and Papua New Guinea (1 speech)
    Rugby league fans in Queensland and New South Wales are having a hard time understanding why the Albanese government has given $600 million of Australian taxpayers' money to Papua New Guinea for...
  • Health Care (2 speeches)
    The Greens are joining with the chorus of community members who want to see pathology tests continue to be bulk-billed. Right now, 99.6 per cent of all pathology tests in Australia are...