Senate debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Smith, Mr Ian

1:43 pm

Photo of Glenn SterleGlenn Sterle (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to pay tribute to one of our nation's finest transport leaders, Ian Smith, who sadly passed away last month. Like me, Smithy's passion was for driving trucks. He joined the mighty Transport Workers' Union in 1994 when he was a driver, like me, for TNT. It wasn't long before Ian's leadership skills came to the fore. He was the union's lead delegate responsible for the first national enterprise agreement with TNT.

Ian was always destined for a much bigger role in the union. Starting as an organiser with the South Australian branch, he quickly went on to be assistant secretary and, ultimately, branch secretary. He also served on the TWU's national committee of management and as the national president of the union. Smithy achieved a lot for workers and the transport industry, including, but not limited to, negotiating national enterprise agreements with industry-leading rates of pay; better pay conditions and safety for bus drivers across Adelaide; fighting for aviation jobs, including taking Qantas to the High Court for illegally sacking workers.

Like me, Smithy remained a truckie at heart right up until the end. He dedicated himself to the pursuit of safer, fairer and better lives for transport workers and their families throughout his time with the TWU. Transport workers throughout South Australia and Australia owe Smithy an enormous debt of gratitude.

In closing, I would like to express my deep condolences to Smithy's wife, Sue; their daughter Maddy and Smithy's entire family, along with the Transport Workers' Union family. Smithy, just one thing, when you get to the pearly gates and you go through to that great trucking yard in the sky, give my best and a big hug to Alex. Vale, Smithy.