Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024


Economics References Committee; Reference

3:36 pm

Photo of Wendy AskewWendy Askew (Tasmania, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

At the request of Senator Bragg, I move:

That the following matter be referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 5 December 2024:

Whether the present financial regulatory framework adequately prioritises the goal of home ownership for Australians, with particular reference to:

(a) Australian Prudential Regulation Authority prudential standards and Corporations Act 2001 provisions for lending;

(b) the nature and type of debt and equity arrangements being used to underpin housing development;

(c) the appropriate involvement (if any) of corporates and institutional funds in the provision of housing;

(d) the effectiveness of mechanisms to monitor investment in the residential property market;

(e) the tax treatment of residential property and impacts on demand and house prices;

(f) the adequacy of metrics available to policymakers for monitoring the ratio of new housing supply relative to population growth;

(g) examples of effective priority treatment for aspiring Australian homeowners that do not compromise financial stability; and

(h) any related matters.

Question agreed to.

At the request of Senator Cadell, I move:

(1) That the following matter be referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in February 2025:

The role of Australia's 'big box' retailers and large format retailers in price setting, with particular reference to:

(a) the market behaviours of such retailers, including price negotiation practices, abuse of market power and engagement with suppliers, in particular horticultural producers;

(b) whether big box and large format retailers that sell products that fall under the category of grocery should be included in the grocery code of conduct;

(c) acquisition and use of land; and

(d) any other related matters.

(2) That, for the purpose of the inquiry a 'big box' retailer refers to a retail store that occupies a large physical footprint and offers a variety of products and a broad product mix to its customers.

Question agreed to.