Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Albanese Government

1:39 pm

Photo of Pauline HansonPauline Hanson (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | | Hansard source

For years now, I have been trying to introduce legislation into this parliament that I think is very important to the Australian people. In light of what happened with the Voice, when 60 per cent of Australians threw it out—they didn't want the Voice to Parliament—I introduced a native title bill. That was to see where native title has had a benefit to the Aboriginal people and their prosperity, to see if we have had outcomes from it. But no. That was voted down. I've also tried to bring in legislation about puberty blockers, and, of course, I raised gender mutilating surgery. We need an inquiry into that. And, just today, I brought up the COVID mandates to try stop that, because Australians don't want to be forced to have mandates, and to give parents rights over their children as to whether they have this vaccine or not. But here we have the worst government that I have ever seen, and I was first elected to parliament in 1996. They're not talking and debating, not talking about the issues—what's important to the Australian people. All I get thrown back at me is: 'You're racist', 'conspiracy', 'stunt' or even 'fearmongering'. That really goes down to what the government are. There was no consultation; there was nothing whatsoever.

This government is also the one in which nearly 100 bills have been guillotined with support from Senator David Pocock, Jacqui Lambie, Lidia Thorpe and a couple of the other crossbenchers. They actually do support guillotining bills that are important to the Australian people.

You are so gutless. You're pusillanimous grubs that you cannot actually just debate the issue on behalf of the Australian people, so that we can have the debate and find answers to it. If that's your answer—that every time I put up something that's in line with what the Australian people want it's a stunt—that tells me you're pathetic at your job and you shouldn't be holding your position as the government of this country. You have no regard for the Australian people. (Time expired)