Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Gambling Advertising

1:34 pm

Photo of Sarah Hanson-YoungSarah Hanson-Young (SA, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

Well, it's another day and another step backwards by the Labor government in tackling the problem of gambling and gambling advertising in this country. We've heard from the Labor Party's own backbench today, with one member quoted as saying:

It's disgusting.

…   …   …

We're being softened up and pummelled by the gambling industry. The ministers who are talking are just repeating the language of the gambling lobbyists.

What an indictment on this government—what an indictment on the lack of leadership from ministers and the Prime Minister.

We all know, the experts have told us and we had a parliamentary inquiry that came up with unanimous recommendations to say that the single most important thing we could do to protect kids and families from the insidious, parasitic nature of the gambling industry would be to ban their ads—stop their ads on television and online; get rid of them, like we had to do with tobacco advertising. But, rather than having the spine to stand up and stare down the gambling lobby, the Prime Minister and his ministers are all lining up and, as their own backbench has said, just repeating the language of the gambling lobby while we're being softened up and pummelled by the industry and the lobby. It is absolutely disgusting, as Mike Freelander has said today.

Australia loses more money to gambling than anywhere else in the world does. We are the biggest losers. It is impacting families, it's tearing families apart, it's ruining sport and it's ruining a whole new generation's love of sport. (Time expired)

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I remind all senators, when referring to those in the other place, to use their correct title.