Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Aged Care

1:44 pm

Photo of Fatima PaymanFatima Payman (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Today I stand not just as a representative of Western Australia but as a voice for our elderly, those who have given their lives to build our communities, raise our families and shape our future. The care we provide to them in their later years reflects our values as a society. Yet, for far too long, our aged-care system has fallen short, leaving those who deserve our utmost respect and compassion to suffer in silence. In my conversations with aged-care residents and their families, I've heard stories that are both inspiring and heartbreaking. Rosemary spoke of her desire to maintain her agency, to make choices about her own life even in her later years. Jim shared his frustration with the quality of care and food, wishing for an environment where he and his fellow residents feel truly at home. These are not just isolated experiences; they're the lived realities of countless elderly Australians, who are not just numbers in a system but individuals with a profound need for dignity and respect.

The findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, over three years ago, laid bare the systemic failures and harrowing stories of neglect and abuse. While efforts have been made, there is still so much more that needs to be done. Every day we delay is another day that Rosemary, Jim and so many others are denied the protections they need. It is another day that families across WA are left wondering whether their loved ones are being treated with care and respect. It is another day that dedicated carers are left without the resources and guidance they need. So, to my colleagues on all sides of this chamber, I say: let us come together, not as politicians but as human beings who understand the value of life at every stage.