Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

  • Albanese Labor Government (1 speech)
    What a lot of nonsense was just put on the record here tonight! It's very fortunate that I get the opportunity tonight to talk about the 10 very long years that those opposite had in government....
  • Great Australian Bight: World Heritage Listing (1 speech)
    It's time for the Commonwealth and the state of South Australia to seriously and urgently pursue World Heritage listing for the Great Australian Bight. No substantive action has been taken by the...
  • Early Childhood Education, Oil and Gas Mining Industry (1 speech)
    There were some fine words from Senator McLachlan that I can certainly get behind. There is no question about it—our childcare system is broken in this country. While Labor talks big on...
  • National Science Week, Beaker Street Festival (1 speech)
    I rise today to celebrate an event that has become a cornerstone of our national calendar, National Science Week. This year, from 10 to 18 August, we marked the 28th celebration of this...
  • Environment (1 speech)
    Let's compare the pair. We have two examples this week from Minister Tanya Plibersek, the minister for the nature positive laws, the minister with the secret cultural heritage act hidden...