Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Watson, Mr Paul Franklin

1:44 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

On 21 July, Captain Paul Watson, global iconic conservationist, was arrested by Danish authorities in Greenland. I want to update senators on developments since his arrest. This is, obviously, a significant matter of public interest to lots of Australians. Australia has shown a leadership role in the International Whaling Commission for decades to end whaling everywhere in the world. Cetaceans, including whales, are protected in Australia, and I note that, on the day that Captain Paul Watson was arrested, our environment minister put out a statement condemning Japan for the resumption of whaling endangered fin whales.

Paul Watson did face the courts again six days ago, and the Danish authorities decided to keep him in prison until 5 September when he will face a decision on extradition to Japan and, potentially, 15 years in jail. The charges against him are highly questionable and are built on a claim that many view as bogus and politically motivated. The arrest is widely seen as a tactic to remove him from the global stage and curtail his environmental activism. Watson's legal team has been barred from presenting crucial evidence in court—evidence that is publicly available but strongly refutes the charges against him. If the evidence were allowed, it would significantly undermine the case being brought by the Japanese authorities. Refusal to consider this evidence raises serious concerns about the fairness of legal proceedings and suggests that Watson is being denied a fair opportunity to defend himself.

The actions taken against Paul Watson represent a blatant violation of his personal rights, and it's simply unfair. I have written to the Danish ambassador about this. We've seen politicians from across the political spectrum in Europe write to the Danish Prime Minister. President Macron himself has called for Paul Watson to be released. I will be sending a letter to all senators and MPs, asking them to sign it and send it to the Danish Prime Minister, to free Paul Watson— (Time expired)