Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Member for Warringah

1:48 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | | Hansard source

The film Catch me if you can stars Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Frank Abagnale, a master of disguise. As a master of disguise, he was able to con his way to millions of dollars, putting on the facades of a doctor, a pilot and a prosecutor. We have our very own Frank Abagnale in the member for Warringah, Zali Steggall. She has disguised herself as a community Independent even though she votes with the Greens 60 per cent of the time—a political con artist.

But Ms Steggall's disguise is not a very good one. Ms Steggall has created a protection racket for the Prime Minister over the issue of visas and has shamefully slandered the Leader of the Opposition, calling him racist. Ms Steggall, it is not racist to criticise the government for not conducting normal screening processes for people from a terrorist zone, it is not racist to criticise the Prime Minister for misleading parliament by stating that ASIO were screening all individuals, when in fact they were not and it is not racist to put the safety and security of Australians first. Ms Steggall should own up to the fact that she got it wrong, but she never will, and that is because she is a political con artist, deceiving people as she runs this protection racket for the Left.

Ms Steggall is the queen of hypocrisy. She calls for high standards while throwing mud. Ms Steggall does not care about transparency or accountability. She is not independent. She has done bugger-all for the people of Warringah. She is the first Greens member for Warringah, and we need to ensure that she is the last Greens member for Warringah.