Senate debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Statements by Senators

National Farmers Federation: Protests

1:47 pm

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Yesterday on the lawns out the front of this place, our nation's farmers assembled to show the government that they have had enough. Many drove their trucks for thousands of kilometres to be here. The war on farmers conducted not just here but in Western nations around the world is complete and utter madness. The government is changing the rules on water. The government has destroyed the live sheep export trade. The government has hamstrung farmers with ridiculous climate policies and red tape. The government is covering prime agricultural land with solar panels, wind turbines and transmission lines.

If our inner-city elites will not listen to the men and women who work our land, perhaps they'll pay attention to the economics of the thing—cripple our farmers and watch the cost of food go through the roof. Overnight your full-cream latte will turn into a soy latte because it'll be the only thing available. And you can forget about your steak; we'll all be living the World Economic Forum's dream of owning nothing and being happy while munching on bugs.

It needs to be noted that it was the coalition under Scott Morrison that committed us to the net zero madness in the first place. The attack on our farmers is an attack on humanity itself, and whatever you might think about carbon emissions, we are a carbon-based life form, which means that this war on carbon is actually a war on humanity. How can it not be a war on humanity? We absolutely must end this net zero insanity. Obviously I stand with our farmers, but, more importantly, I stand with everyone who values life. Everyone who thinks the same way that I do needs to not only support our farmers but support change and support the UAP.