Senate debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

  • McPhillamys Gold Project (17 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water, Minister McAllister. A meeting is planned for the 121 New South Wales Aboriginal land councils in Orange to...
  • Health Care (8 speeches)
    My question is for the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Senator Gallagher. Private hospitals, especially not-for-profit services, are losing money and fast becoming...
  • Australian Defence Force: Afghanistan (12 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, Senator Wong. Minister, on the recommendation of the then Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell, the government...
  • First Nations Australians (8 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Senator Gallagher. The regrettable outcome of the Voice referendum has deepened the divide and left a profound...
  • McPhillamys Gold Project (8 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Wong. It follows the environment minister's cultural heritage declaration on old the McPhillamys gold mine project. On 29...
  • Cost of Living (18 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister presenting the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Senator Watt. Cost-of-living pressures are top of mind for all...